
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

A Similitude


THIS body then, I say, is like

An house in each degree;

The soule the owner of the house

I do account to bee.

As touching first this body, then,

I did of late declare,

Is like an house in euery poynt;

But now I will compare

This house vnto a commonwealth,

Or as a cittie faire,

Or like a corporation,

Consisting of a mayer,

And many other officers

There needful to bee had,

And the commons too, among the which

Are people good and bad,

And therefore need of gouernment,

Such people for to guide;

And as each towne and commonwealth,

Or cittie, hath beside

Appoynted places for to kepe

Their courtes of common law,

Yea, and their courts of conscience too,

To kepe these men in awe:

So hath each house his magistrates

And officers to serue,

Yea, commoners too, and places fitt

For courts which do deserue.

The chiefest seat in euery house

It is the hart of man,

Wherein if that the sperit of grace

Do sit as judge, euen than

The court of conscience uery well

We may it call; but see

These officers vpon this court

Always attendant bee.