
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Stanzas from “A Prince’s Looking-glasse”

XL. William Willymat

ON God depend, to him be constant true,

To blesse you in your office to him sue;

By the externe vse whereof let all men see

How the inward heart is fraught with pietie;

In things indiferent let your gesture shew

An image plain of uertue’s decent hew.

Remember well your passions to digest

Before you seeke great sutes to set at rest;

For wrath short madnes is: doe nothing mad,

Th’ effects whereof haue alwaies proued bad;

The Apostles’ rule chuse rather to obserue,

Let anger none from God’s lawes make you swarue.

Gladly aduance the good and uertuous,

With royall giftes that are most glorious;

Yet see that none, though noble, too high growe,

Least stately kingdome thereby be brought lowe:

Due punishment let wicked men still haue,

For own desertes, not other’s right doth craue.