Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalm VXII. George Herbert
My meditation weigh:
My King, my God, vouchsafe to hear
My cry to thee, I pray.
For in the morn will I
Direct my prayers to thy Throne,
And thither lift mine eye.
Cannot in sins delight:
No evil, Lord, shall dwell with thee,
Nor fools stand in thy sight.
Thou slay’st the men that lie;
The bloody man, the false one too,
Shall be abhorr’d by thee.
Will I to thee draw near,
And toward thy most holy place
Will worship thee in fear.
Because of all my foes;
And to my dym and sinful eyes
Thy perfect way disclose:
Their mouths no truth retain,
Their throat an open sepulchur,
Their flattering tongues do fain.
Bad counsels let them fall
In height of their transgression;
O Lord! reject them all.
They vainly have rebell’d;
But let all those that trust in thee
With perfect joy be fill’d.
Protected still by thee;
Let them that do thy name adore
In that still joyful be.
And them for ever bless;
His favour shalt encompass them,
A shield in their distress.