
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

The Miracles of Our Saviour

XCVII. Anonymous

AN angel’s trumpe from heauen proclaim’d his name

IESUS, who came lost Adam’s impes to saue;

Whose wondrous actes deserues eternall fame:

He Lazarus reuiued from the graue,

Whose stincking coarse, and rotten carkas colde,

Four daies and nights was couered in the molde.

What shall I speake of other dead, reuiued?

Or make rehearsell of such obiects sere,

Of blind and lame, of sence and sight depriued?

He made the dumbe to speake and deafe to heare;

He fowle infected soules from sinne did cure,

And vgly vlcer’d leapers clensed pure.

When waltring waues and windes would ouerthrow

The shaking ships amid the seas ytost,

He caus’d the sturdie stormes to stoope below,

And saued ships and men like to be lost:

He made the lame in leaping beare his bed,

And with fiue loaves, two fish, fiue thousand fed.

He water euen conuerted into wine;

He daunted deuills, and furies put to flight;

He for thy sake did let them strangle swine;

He taught all sorts of men to follow light.

His workes within no leaues can be enroul’d;

The ample world his wonders cannot hould.