
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Lines from “London’s Miserie, etc.”

XCIII. Richard Milton

SUCH is the force of Death’s fell conquering hand,

That none in this world can his power withstand.

’Tis not the power of a mighty king

Can serue to free him from Death’s deadly sting,

Much less the title of a lord or knight

Can keepe their persons from this pale-fac’t wight.

’Tis not the wisdome of a learned man—

No, there is neither arte nor wisedome can

Be forcible enough, with arte or will,

Eyther to stay Death’s stroke, or him beguile.

Marke it, I pray you, how he makes men reele;

His bow is iron sure, and his arrowes steele.

How many through his might doe daily dye,

How many likewise doe there sprawling lye,

How many also dead in fields are found,

And suddainly in streetes do fall to ground

Euen as they passe, and them before were well,

And felt but little paine vntill they fell.