
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Psalmi Davidici

LVIII. Henry Peacham

TO sundrie keies doth Hilarie compare

The holy Psalmes of that propheticque king,

’Cause in their natures so disposed they are,

That, as it were, by sundry dores they bring

The soule of man, opprest with deadly sinne,

Vnto the throne where he may mercy winne.

For wouldst thou in thy Saviour still reioyce,

Or for thy sinnes, with teares, lament and pray,

Or sing his praises with thy heart and voice,

Or for his mercies giue him thankes alway?

Set David’s Psalmes a mirror to thy mind,

But with his zeale and heavenly spirit wind.