
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.


III. Anonymous

ALL this night shrill chanticler,

Daye’s proclayming trompiter,

Claps his wings and loudly cries,

Mortalls, mortalls, wake and rise,

See a wonder

Heauen is vnder,

From the earth is rissen a sun,

Shines all night, though day be dun.

Wake, O earth! wake, euerie thing,

Wake and heare the ioy I bring;

Wake and ioy for all this night,

Heauen and euerie twinckling light;

All amazing

Still stand gazing:

Angells, powers, and all that be,

Wake and ioy this sun to see.

Haile, O sun! O blessed light,

Sent into the world by night,

Let thy rayes and heauenly powers

Shine in this darke soule of ours,

For most surely

Thou art truely,

God and man we do confess:

Haile, O Sun of Righteousness!