Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalm XXIXI. King James I.
Yeild him all force and gloire,
And yeild to him the honoure deu
Unto his name thairfoire.
Adore Iehoua great,
Qwho sittis most gloriously upon
His throne and holy seat.
And makis a woundrouse sound;
Strong glorious God doth thunder his uoyce
On watteris that abound.
His uoyce cummis furth with micht;
Iehoua’s uoyce the cedres breakis,
Euin Liban cedres uicht;
Trudge Liban Sirion eik,
Lyke to the faune of unicornis
Will leape when he doth speik.
And quenchis flammes of fyre;
Euen the desertis of Kades large
May not abyde his yre.
And bareis the forrestis grene,
Bot in his temple all his gloire
He shouis, and makis be sene.
And sittis a king for aye;
He also to his people giuis
The force thay haue alluaye.
His people uell belovid
With great tranquillitie and peace:
Pray it be not remouid.