S.A. Bent, comp. Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 1887.
Marshal Macmahon
[Marie Edme Patrice Maurice, Duc de Magenta; a French general of Irish extraction; born 1808; served in Algeria, 1830–50; in the Crimean War and the Italian campaign of 1859, when he was made marshal and duke; defeated by the Germans at Wörth, and wounded and taken prisoner at Sedan, 1870; President of the French Republic, 1875–79.]
J’y suis, j’y reste.
After MacMahon had taken the Malakoff by assault, Sept. 8, 1855, during the siege of Sebastopol, Gen. Pélissier, the French commander-in-chief, sent him word to beware of an explosion which might follow the retreat of the Russians. His reply was, “I am here, I shall remain here.” Victor Emmanuel used the same expression, of the occupation of Rome by the Italian army, and the removal of the seat of government from Florence to that city, September, 1870.