
Home  »  Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay  »  Category Index

S. Austin Allibone, comp. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 1880.

Category Index

  1. Abridgments
  2. Absence
  3. Absurdities
  4. Actions
  5. Addison, Joseph
  6. Admiration
  7. Adversity
  8. Advertisements
  9. Advice
  10. Affectation
  11. Affections
  12. Affliction
  13. Age
  14. Alchemy
  15. Allegories
  16. Alms
  17. Alphabet
  18. Ambition
  19. America
  20. Amusements
  21. Analysis
  22. Ancestry
  23. Ancients
  24. Angels
  25. Anger
  26. Angling
  27. Anticipation
  28. Antiquities
  29. Anxiety
  30. Apathy
  31. Apophthegms
  32. Apostasy
  33. Apothecary
  34. Argument
  35. Aristocracy
  36. Aristotle
  37. Armies
  38. Arrogance
  39. Art
  40. Association
  41. Astrology
  42. Astronomy
  43. Atheism
  44. Athens
  45. Attention
  46. Authority
  47. Authors
  48. Authorship
  49. Avarice
  50. Bacon, Francis
  51. Beards
  52. Beauty
  53. Benevolence
  54. Bible
  55. Bibliomania
  56. Bigotry
  57. Biography
  58. Blessings
  59. Boldness
  60. Books
  61. Bores
  62. Brain
  63. Bunyan
  64. Calamity
  65. Calling
  66. Calumny
  67. Candour
  68. Cant
  69. Causation
  70. Caution
  71. Cavaliers
  72. Celibacy
  73. Censoriousness
  74. Cervantes
  75. Chance
  76. Character
  77. Charity
  78. Charles the Second
  79. Cheerfulness
  80. Children
  81. Christ
  82. Christianity
  83. Church
  84. Church and State
  85. Classification
  86. Clergy
  87. Coins
  88. Comedy
  89. Commentators
  90. Commerce
  91. Common Sense
  92. Company
  93. Composition
  94. Confession
  95. Confidence
  96. Conscience
  97. Consistency
  98. Constancy
  99. Contemplation
  100. Contempt
  101. Contentment
  102. Controversy
  103. Conversation
  104. Conversion
  105. Copyright
  106. Coquettes
  107. Corpulence
  108. Counsel
  109. Country Life
  110. Courage
  111. Courtship
  112. Covetousness
  113. Creation
  114. Crimes
  115. Criticism I
  116. Criticism II
  117. Croakers
  118. Cromwell
  119. Cunning
  120. Curiosity
  121. Custom
  122. Dante
  123. Day of Judgment
  124. Death
  125. Deception
  126. Democracy
  127. Despair
  128. Despotism
  129. Devotion
  130. Discipline
  131. Discontent
  132. Discretion
  133. Dogmatism
  134. Drama
  135. Dreams
  136. Dress
  137. Dryden, John
  138. Dueling
  139. Dullness
  140. Duration
  141. Duty
  142. Early Rising
  143. Earth
  144. East India Company
  145. Economy
  146. Education
  147. Egotism
  148. Eloquence
  149. Employment
  150. Enemies
  151. Energy
  152. England
  153. English Language
  154. Enthusiasm
  155. Entomology
  156. Envy
  157. Epitaphs
  158. Equanimity
  159. Error
  160. Essays
  161. Eternity
  162. Evening
  163. Evidence
  164. Evil
  165. Example
  166. Exercise
  167. Expediency
  168. Experience
  169. Extravagance
  170. Eye
  171. Fables
  172. Faction
  173. Faith
  174. Falsehood
  175. Fame
  176. Family
  177. Fanaticism
  178. Fancy
  179. Farce
  180. Fashion
  181. Fate
  182. Fear
  183. Feasting
  184. Fickleness
  185. Fiction
  186. Flattery
  187. Flowers
  188. Folly
  189. Food
  190. Foppery
  191. Foreknowledge
  192. Forgiveness
  193. Forms
  194. Fortune
  195. Fox, Charles James
  196. France
  197. Free Will
  198. Freedom
  199. Friendship
  200. Futurity
  201. Games
  202. Gardens
  203. Genius
  204. Gentleman
  205. Ghosts
  206. Glory
  207. God
  208. Good
  209. Good-Breeding
  210. Good-Humour
  211. Good-Nature
  212. Good Sense
  213. Goodness
  214. Governesses
  215. Government
  216. Grace
  217. Gracefulness
  218. Gratitude
  219. Greatness
  220. Greece
  221. Grief
  222. Habit
  223. Happiness
  224. Hastings, Warren
  225. Hatred
  226. Health
  227. Heaven
  228. Hebrew
  229. Hell
  230. History
  231. Holiness
  232. Home
  233. Homer
  234. Honesty
  235. Honour
  236. Hope
  237. Horace
  238. Hospitality
  239. Human Nature
  240. Humility
  241. Humour
  242. Husbands
  243. Hypocrisy
  244. Ideas
  245. Identity
  246. Idleness
  247. Idolatry
  248. Ignorance
  249. Ill-Nature
  250. Imagination
  251. Imitation
  252. Immorality
  253. Immortality
  254. Inclination
  255. Inconsistency
  256. Indexes
  257. India
  258. Indolence
  259. Induction
  260. Industry
  261. Infidelity
  262. Infinity
  263. Influence
  264. Ingratitude
  265. Injustice
  266. Innocence
  267. Innovations
  268. Insanity
  269. Instinct
  270. Intellect
  271. Intemperance
  272. Intuition
  273. Invention
  274. Irresolution
  275. Irreverence
  276. Italy
  277. Jealousy
  278. Jesting
  279. Jews
  280. Joy
  281. Judges
  282. Judgment
  283. Judgments
  284. Justice
  285. Kindness
  286. Kings
  287. Knavery
  288. Knowledge
  289. Labor
  290. Languages
  291. Laughter
  292. Law
  293. Lawyers
  294. Learning
  295. Letters
  296. Levity
  297. Libels
  298. Liberty
  299. Libraries
  300. Life
  301. Literature
  302. Logic
  303. Love
  304. Luxury
  305. Lying
  306. Malignity
  307. Man
  308. Manners
  309. Mansfield, Lord
  310. Marie Antoinette
  311. Martyrs
  312. Mathematics
  313. Matrimony
  314. Matter
  315. Maxims
  316. Medals
  317. Mediocrity
  318. Meditation
  319. Melancholy
  320. Memory
  321. Metaphor
  322. Metaphysics
  323. Microscope
  324. Military Science
  325. Milton, John
  326. Mind
  327. Miracles
  328. Mirth
  329. Misery
  330. Moderation
  331. Modesty
  332. Money
  333. Morals
  334. Mother
  335. Mourning
  336. Music
  337. Mysteries
  338. Mythology
  339. Names
  340. Natural Religion
  341. Nature
  342. Necessity
  343. Neighbors
  344. Night
  345. Nobility
  346. Nobody
  347. Novels
  348. Novelty
  349. Observation
  350. Obstinacy
  351. Ocean
  352. Office
  353. Opinion
  354. Opportunity
  355. Oppression
  356. Oratory
  357. Order
  358. Originality
  359. Ovid
  360. Paganism
  361. Pain
  362. Painting
  363. Parents
  364. Parliament
  365. Partiality
  366. Party
  367. Passions
  368. Pastorals
  369. Patience
  370. Patriotism
  371. Peace
  372. Pedantry
  373. Perception
  374. Perfection
  375. Persecution
  376. Perseverance
  377. Philanthropy
  378. Philosophy
  379. Physic
  380. Physicians
  381. Physiognomy
  382. Piety
  383. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
  384. William Pitt
  385. Pity
  386. Plato
  387. Pleasures
  388. Poetry
  389. Poisoning
  390. Political Economy
  391. Politics
  392. Pope, Alexander
  393. Popes
  394. Populace
  395. Poverty
  396. Power
  397. Practice
  398. Praise
  399. Prayer
  400. Preaching
  401. Predestination
  402. Prejudice
  403. Prescience
  404. Press
  405. Pretension
  406. Pride
  407. Principle
  408. Probability
  409. Probation
  410. Procrastination
  411. Profanity
  412. Progress
  413. Property
  414. Prophecy
  415. Prosperity
  416. Proverbs
  417. Providence
  418. Prudence
  419. Public Opinion
  420. Public Spirit
  421. Puffing
  422. Punning
  423. Puritans
  424. Quotations
  425. Raillery
  426. Reading
  427. Reason
  428. Rebellion
  429. Recreation
  430. Reflection
  431. Reform
  432. Reformation
  433. Religion
  434. Remorse
  435. Repentance
  436. Reproof
  437. Reputation
  438. Reserve
  439. Resignation
  440. Retirement
  441. Retrospection
  442. Revenge
  443. Rhetoric
  444. Riches
  445. Ridicule
  446. Roman Catholic Church
  447. Romans
  448. Rousseau, Jean Jacques
  449. Sacrifice
  450. Sacrilege
  451. Satire
  452. Scandal
  453. Scholars
  454. Schoolboy
  455. School
  456. Science
  457. Scolding
  458. Scrupulosity
  459. Sculpture
  460. Secrecy
  461. Sects
  462. Self-Conceit
  463. Self-Control
  464. Self-Deceit
  465. Self-Denial
  466. Self-Delusion
  467. Self-Estimation
  468. Self-Evidence
  469. Self-Examination
  470. Self-Interest
  471. Self-Knowledge
  472. Self-Love
  473. Self-Preservation
  474. Self-Pride
  475. Self-Reliance
  476. Self-Respect
  477. Selfishness
  478. Senses
  479. Sentiment
  480. Serenity
  481. Seriousness
  482. Severity
  483. Shakspeare
  484. Shame
  485. Sickness
  486. Silence
  487. Simplicity
  488. Sin
  489. Sincerity
  490. Singing
  491. Singularity
  492. Slander
  493. Slavery
  494. Sleep
  495. Society
  496. Solitude
  497. Sophistry
  498. Sorrow
  499. Soul
  500. Space
  501. Spaniards
  502. Speculation
  503. Spirits
  504. Spirituality
  505. Stars
  506. States
  507. Stoics
  508. Story-Telling
  509. Studies
  510. Stupidity
  511. Style
  512. Sublimity
  513. Submission
  514. Success
  515. Suffering
  516. Suicide
  517. Superstition
  518. Suspicion
  519. Sympathy
  520. Synthesis
  521. Talents
  522. Talking
  523. Taste
  524. Teachers
  525. Temperance
  526. Temptation
  527. Testimony
  528. Thanksgiving
  529. Theology
  530. Theory
  531. Thoughts
  532. Time
  533. Toleration
  534. Tragedy
  535. Tranquillity
  536. Translation
  537. Travel
  538. Trials
  539. Trifles
  540. Truth
  541. Tyranny
  542. Understanding
  543. Universe
  544. Usury
  545. Utilitarianism
  546. Valor
  547. Vanity
  548. Vice
  549. Virgil
  550. Virtue
  551. Visiting
  552. Volition
  553. Voltaire
  554. Walpole, Horace
  555. Wags
  556. War
  557. Watering-Places
  558. Wealth
  559. Wesley, John
  560. Whigs
  561. Wickedness
  562. Will
  563. Wisdom
  564. Wit
  565. Wives
  566. Woman
  567. Words
  568. Works
  569. World
  570. Worship
  571. Youth
  572. Zeal