Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection IV. Order
5. Order as Regards Categories
82. Conformity.
EXAMPLE, instance, specimen, sample, quotation; exemplification, illustration, case in point; object lesson; elucidation.
PATTERN (prototype) [See Prototype].
CONVENTIONALIST, formalist, bromide [slang], Philistine.
BE REGULAR &c. adj.; move in a groove, move in a rut, travel in a rut; follow-, observe-, go by-, bend to-, obey- -rules, -precedents; agree with, comply with, tally with, chime in with, fall in with; be guided by, be regulated by; fall into a custom, fall into a usage; follow the fashion, follow the multitude; assimilate to, shape, harmonize, conventionalize, pass muster, do as others do, hurler avec les loups [F.]; do at Rome as the Romans do; go with the -stream,-current,-tide; swim with the -stream,-current,-tide; pass current; tread the beaten track (habit) [See Habit]; keep one in countenance.
EXEMPLIFY, illustrate, example, sample, type [rare], cite, quote, put a case; produce an instance &c. n.; elucidate, explain.
CONVENTIONAL (customary) [See Habit]; of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence; in the natural order of things; ordinary, common, habitual, usual, commonplace, prosaic, bromidic [slang], Philistine.
in the order of the day; naturalized.
TYPICAL, normal, formal; canonical, orthodox, sound, strict, rigid, positive, uncompromising, Procrustean.
secundum artem [L.], shipshape, pointdevice [archaic], technical.
EXEMPLARY, illustrative, in point.
for the sake of conformity; of course, as a matter of course; pro formâ [L.], for form’s sake, by the card.
invariably (uniformly) [See Uniformity].
FOR EXAMPLE, for instance; exempli gratiâ [L.]; e. g.; inter alia [L.].