Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract Relations
Section III. Quantity
2. Comparative Quantity
29. Mean.
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NOUN: | MEAN, medium, intermedium [obsoles.], average, balance, normal, rule, run; mediocrity, generality; golden mean &c. (mid-course) [See Mid-course]; middle [See Middle]; compromise [See Compromise]; middle course, middle state; neutrality.
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VERB: | AVERAGE, split the difference; take the average &c. n.; reduce to a mean &c. n.; strike a balance, pair off.
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ADJECTIVE: | MEAN, intermediate; medial, middle [See Middle]; average, normal, standard; neutral. MEDIOCRE, middle-class, bourgeois [F.], commonplace (unimportant) [See Unimportance].
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ADVERB: | ON-AN AVERAGE, in the long run; taking one with another, taking all things together, taking it for all in all; communibus annis [L.], in round numbers. IN THE MIDDLE, in medias res [L.], meden agan [Greek].
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QUOTATIONS: | - Medium tenuere beati.
- Keep the golden mean.—Publius Syrus
- Est modus in rebus.—Horace
- Give me neither poverty nor riches.—Bible