Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Wages to Whistle
minimum for the w. of women, 2013
sat down to w., and waiting died, 1823
humbly with thy God, 947
part way toward our goal, 1786
slowly, but I never walk backward, 1534
together side by side in majesty, 41
toward Oregon, 658
future will not flourish behind w., 2036
of oppression, 8
freedom from w., 655
of a Nail … of a Shoe … of a Horse the Rider was lost, 1240
give the public what it w., 1803
provide for human w., 773
abolition of w., 1924
aftermath of w., 1923
and nobody will come, 1946
as well as in peace, 1367
awareness that we are all human beings together has become lost in w., 1157
better to talk jaw to jaw than to have w., 1914
borrow billions for w., 1919
brink of atomic w., 1657
calamities of w., 1925
Can say peace / When we mean w., 1856
cannot vote for w., 1942
cause of death has been either W. or Class, 228
challenges virtually every other institution of society, 1935
compel them to fight the battles of any w., 1193
Congress, in declaring w., 1931
contains so much folly, 1932
cost of w., 2070
dismantling the national capacity to wage w., 1324
do not drag me into another W. 1947
do not take lightly the perils of w., 1948
doubt if we will ever have another w., 1938
dreary, difficult w., 1884
enemies of man:… w. itself, 516
enemies of man—w., poverty and tyranny, 85
evils of w. are great in their endurance, 840
Executive is the branch of power most interested in w., 1931
far worse w. or one much harder to win, 253
fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into w., 2049
fight Europe’s w. with arms while the diplomats … fight it with words, 247
first casualty when w. comes is truth, 1925
for principles, 1949
Four things greater than all things, are—… w., 824
Global w. has become a Frankenstein, 1258
if men reserve for w. their greatest efforts, 1961
if they mean to have a w., let it begin here, 1940
implements of w. and subjugation, 1921
in modern w. there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying, 367
is a normal attribute of human life, 1957
is a Racket, 1912
is an invention of the human mind, 1959
is an ugly thing, 1934
is itself a political act, 1926
is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military, 1954
is not merely a political act, 1915
is only caused through the political intercourse of governments and nations, 1916
is peace, 1962
is regarded as nothing but the continuation of state policy with other means, 1917
is subject to advance planning, 1939
it is their [Vietnamese] w., 1882
limited w. with Red China, 1967
losses become a function of the duration of the w., 1918
make w. at pleasure, 1495
moral equivalent of w., 526
moral power is to physical as three parts to four, 1213
no merit in putting off a w. for a year, 253
no nation is rich enough to pay for both w. and civilization,
no w. can be long carried on against the will of the people, 1911
[not] learn w. any more, 1956
of the giants is over, 1913
Older men declare w., 1923
on poverty, 1440
peace is not mere absence of w., 1328
Peace itself is W. in Masquerade, 1960
peace was better than w., 1955
politician who has wilfully made w., 1953
preserve our country from the calamities and ravages of w., 616
question of w. in the Legislature, 1931
requires careful preparation, 1726
Resolution, 1958
Revenge and iron-hearted W., 2083
Science and Peace will triumph over Ignorance and W., 1963
shooting w. is over, 233
the soldiers tried to stop, 1883
success in modern w. requires something more than courage, 1726
That Will End W., 1952
That’s the way it is in w., 1930
thirteen years of w. for every year of peace, 1957
This w., like the next w., is a w. to end w., 1952
time of w., and a time of peace, 1810
to be just, 1909
To be prepared for W., 411
to end w., 1952
To jawjaw is always better than to w.-w., 1914
two or three conferences to scare up a w., 1943
very last one, 1938
was only an effect and consequence of it [the revolution], 1619
the way it is in w., 1930
We [America] never lost a w., 1944
we are at all times ready for W., 410
Weakness invites w., 404
will exist until, 1188
with China, 202
wrong w. at the wrong place and against the wrong enemy, 1967
See also Civil War (1861–1865); Cold War; Revolutionary war (1775–1783); Vietnam War; World War I (1914–1918); World War II (1939–1945)
power to Congress, 1495
of sense and his woof of nonsense, 625
prestige that the w. does today, 1188
being a medium for the practical settlement of international differences, 1258
are, of course, as a rule to be avoided, 1965
are the glory and the agony of the young, 1920
begin in the minds of men, 1966
boys are not going to be sent into any foreign w., 1945
consuming w., 1646
the fathers did bury their sons, 1955
have been averted by patience and persisting good will, 253
just and lawful w., 55
of interest and intrigue, 613
people’s w., 1927
administration in W. provides a close parallel, 1154
city of Northern charm and Southern efficiency, 1972
found at W. … the Smithsonian Institution, 972
government at W. still lives, 718
heart of America is felt less here, 1973
I do not need to tell a W. audience, 285
If I wanted to go crazy I would do it in W. because it would not be noticed, 1970
is full of famous men and the women they married when they were young, 1971
is to be appropriated to this use with the consent of the State ceding it, 512
it is a Federal city, 1974
mighty in W. can [not] be persuaded, or corrupted … by anything less than votes, 1410
opposed to the franchise in the District, 1975
poor in Resurrection City have come to W., 1442
Too small to be a state but too large to be an asylum, 1969
Were we directed from W. when to sow, 728
what W. juice is made of, 1410
when movie actors come to W., they’re absolutely fascinated by the politicians, 1406
where I knew I would be farther away from America than I could be on some foreign shore, 1973
You send me to W. to represent you, 298
See also Capitol building, Washington, D.C.
centennial birthday, 755
tied to its tail, 37
it [youth] on children, 2097
new categories of w. have come to plague and menace, 544
private w. for crumbled-up spite and discarded personalities, 849
a vast w., 1801
each generation w. a little more, 833
prevent government from w. the labors of the people, 727
waketh but in vain, 662
who prevents outrage, 786
on the walls of world freedom, 662
of liberty, 307
be order, 1360
of every Frenchman, 886
of true patriotism, 1641
as a beverage, it’s a failure, 1978
nail a drop of w. to the wall, 1394
neither its pipes nor its theories will hold w., 568
of mediocrity, 874
unite our official voice at the w. edge, 634
Cast thy bread upon the w., 591
let judgment run down as w., 931
cannot exist for itself, 1102
mastering the winds, the w., 1134
of this debate, 1286
my w. are not as theirs, 1008
have met the enemy, 518, 521
hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable, 396
hold these truths to be self-evident, 397
shall not fail, 688
and helpless ones [governments], 750
build up the w. by pulling down the strong, 2025
by time and fate, 575
cannot strengthen the w. by weakening the strong, 1117
too w. to maintain its own existence, 733
think, 1807
forgive almost any w., with the possible exception of stupidity, 84
invites war, 404
embittered at the w. and the luxuries they never share, 46
materials of w. are in the earth, 478
mineral w. of our Nation, 476
wisdom to use that w. to enrich and elevate our national life, 691
people can afford, 1085
Some will get w., 1633
defensive w., 440
honourable w. of immemorial antiquity, 440
no brave man would w., 1447
greatest w. comes from work not done, 2026
out rather than rusting out, 11
Everybody talks about the w., 1982
nobody does anything about it, 1982
on the top of the edifice, 1028
to its liberty, 29
designed to attack our civilization, 225
child is full of woe, 200
let the w. grow, 391
and you w. alone, 1707
time to w., and a time to laugh, 1810
of humanity, 1481
of the workers depends upon their own initiative, 1983
be not weary in w. doing, 450
meet them w. or ill, 827
nothing better becomes a w. man than agriculture, 28
fertile lands of the W., 65
I know no South, no North, no East, no W., 267
reclamation of arid public lands in the W., 311
freedom and democracy, 901
Hemisphere, 630
impact which has stirred up the winds of change, 182
let the Communists set up any government in the W. Hemisphere, 243
nations and the Asian peoples, 235
resembles the action in a W. movie, 1518
society, 901
What can we ever hope to do with the w. coast, 1986
as into the future, 658
I go free, 657
becomes of us, 1676
can I do for my city, 767
he knows for sure just ain’t so, 966
is so rare as a day in June, 2072
not w. he doesn’t know that bothers me, 966
our country has done for each of us 768
to do, 146, 936
to hope, 146
we are, 1676
we are and w. we hope to be, 418
we can do for our country in return, 768
we do, 1676
we ought to will, 1055
you are in the dark, 187
you are stands over you the while, 186
you can do for your country, 766
your country can do for you, 766
going on with all these numbers, 810
past is prologue, 1296
right and fair, 256
vital spark that we find in a grain of w., 1752
of time, 1290
conjecture w. now are, 1286
end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive w. we started, 579
If we could first know w. we are, 936
know w. to stand, 106
not so much w. we stand, 5
there is hatred, 1466
To know w. we are going … that is order, 1289
isolationism, 1042
met recurring disaster with w., 1110
If you can’t whip ’em, 257
of politics, 86
decanter of corn w. near at hand 24
Ring, 467
you mean the Devil’s brew, 38
you mean the oil of conversation, 38
Don’t give too much for the w., 2071
wait until a shrimp learns to w., 244