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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

Shopkeepers to Sorry

  into employees, 141Short
  run determines the long run, 868
  run doesn’t count, 868Shortcoming
  no effort without error and s., 10Shorter
  I had no leisure to make it s., 2078Shot
  fire a single s., 1657Shout
  the loudest about Americanism, 61Shovel
  what kind of a s. they should use to dig the grave of the United States, 2043Shower
  not the gentle s., but thunder, 1575Shrimp
  wait until a s. learns to whistle 244Shrink
  intangible and the beautiful s., 50Siberian
  labor camps, 1093Sichuan
  dogs bark at the sun, 203Side
  Lord is always on the s. of the right, 704Silence, 16901695
  best way to s. a friend, 610
  eternal s. where it [earth] floats, 1742
  Great souls endure in s., 1694
  is dangerous, 1690
  is deep as Eternity, 1691
  is golden, 1691
  is of Eternity, 1691
  Keep s., and we’ll get you safe across, 731
  of the good people, 1693
  remember what peace there may be in s., 1114
  sin be s., 1695
  that is better, 1691
  time to keep s., and a time to speak, 1810Silent
  Be s., even when you are misrepresented, 1119
  dumb and s. we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter, 679
  majority of my fellow Americans, 1140
  remain s. and look wise, 681Silk
  purse out of a sow’s ear, 1084Silly
  flat, and dish-watery utterances, 1487Silvern
  Speech is s., 1691Simplicity
  quiet and dignified s., 108Sin
  by silence, 1695
  making a profit is a s., 138
  real s. is taking a loss, 138
  to believe evil of others, but seldom a mistake, 562
  to waste it [youth] on children, 2097Sincerity, 1696
  little s. is a dangerous thing, 1696
  virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, s., 58Singing
  in the dark, 1836Single
  injustice, a s. crime, a s. illegality, 958
  work of a s. man, 902Sins, 1697
  of the cold-blooded and the s. of the warm-hearted, 749
  seven s. are wealth without works, 1697Sits
  man s. as many risks as he runs, 1105six
  [America is] like a Coach and s., 44
  lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, 908Size
  involvement with s., 50
  is not grandeur, 51Sketches
  in the sand, 1248Skim
  pray cream, and live s. milk, 1111Sky
  is the limit, 70
  lonesome place against the s., 1108Skylark
  who shall command the s. not to sing?, 642Slain
  not right to glory in the s., 365Slander
  land of s. and scare, 62Slaughter
  led, like sheep, to the S., 679Slave
  black woman for a s., 1702
  Commerce between master and s. is despotism, 1062
  economic s. pulling an oar in the galley of the state, 1756
  freedom to the s., 1701
  half s. and half free, 1851
  he who would be no s. must consent to have no s., 648
  negro woman for a s., 1702
  no land free, that holds one fettered s., 1695
  of the lash, 164
  That which fundamentally distinguishes the s., 1705
  without tools to work out his salvation, 1698Slavery, 16981706
  arguing for s., 1704
  consists in being subject to the will of another, 1906
  He [God] hates injustice and s., 907
  impulse to see it [slavery] tried on him personally, 1704
  not to speak one’s thought, 1699
  rooting out of s., 1706
  socialism involves s., 1705Slaves
  from whom the unfortunate state of things with us takes away the right of will and of property, 1691
  in breeding compared with freemen, 1016
  perish than live as s., 1634Sleep, 1707
  each night a little better, 1517
  snore and you s. alone, 1707
  sweetly, tender heart, in peace, 377Sleeping
  enemy, 2069
  giant, 2069Slip
  of the tongue, 1509Slogan
  “press on,” 1355
  Thou Shalt Not Write Anything Longer than a S., 441Slogans
  outworn s., 2095
  strength is but a matter of s., 52Slow
  me down Lord, 1480Slum
  conditions, 1892
  disease-soaked ruins of a s., 1162Sly
  land of s. innuendo, 62Small
  with s. men no great thing can really be accomplished, 1760Smash
  land of s. and grab, 62Smile, 17081709
  in trouble, 356
  is genuine, 244
  nice s., but … iron teeth, 1708
  Soviet delegates s., 244
  When you call me that, s., 1709
  when you say that, partner, 1709Smiles
  beside my grave … all s. and garlands, 376Smithson, James (1765–1829), 1663Smithsonian Institution, 1710
  establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge, 972Smoke
  blue s. and mirrors, 1415Smoot, Reed (1862–1941), 1168Smote
  the rock of the national resources, 813Snake
  died with thirst, 265
  Fable of the S., 265Sneeze
  do not s. when Mr. Calhoun takes snuff, 559Sneezes
  all Europe s., 559Snobs
  effete corps of impudent s., 1876Snore
  and you sleep alone, 1707Snow
  nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, 1439Snows
  Lady of the S., 2014
  of pessimism, 2099Snuff
  when Mr. Calhoun takes s., 559So
  much for so many on so little, 449
  much owed by so many to so few, 2052
  much with so little, 2060
  what he knows for sure just ain’t so, 966Sober
  but tomorrow I’ll be s., 2004
  drunken men are [as apt] to think themselves s. enough, 2087Social
  balance-wheel of the s. machinery, 498
  busy-bodies, 1983
  contract, 958
  forces, 1714
  most important s. service that a government can do, 784
  security, 70, 1117
  services, 784
  State interference in s. relations becomes … superfluous, 1757
  tilt of the s. landscape, 1718
  try novel s. and economic experiments without risk, 1755
  welfare, 1983Socialism, 17111713
  creeping s. … in the U.S., 1712
  involves slavery, 1705
  will claim to be heard, 1595
  word s. began to be heard, 925
  You would oppose law to s., 993Socialist
  Cuba, 1657
  democracy which … was largely s., 414
  economy has become so strong, 1713Socialist party, 673Socialists
  propose to supplant the competitive planning of capitalism, 1711Societies
  major advances in civilization … all but wreck the s. in which they occur, 183Society, 17141719
  affluent s., 18, 1896
  amenable to s. [for conduct] … which concerns others, 651
  American s. is covered with a layer of democratic paint, 64
  become[s] less livable as it becomes more affluent, 16
  beware, 46
  can be judged by entering its prisons, 1527
  can justifiably express its dislike, 649
  cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, 1051
  civilized s. to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors, 178
  critical problems of our s., 494
  definitions and axioms of free s., 1719
  democratic s. is outraged, 1170
  dislocation of human identity and motivation created by an affluent s., 1896
  few better measures of the concern a s. has for its individual members, 360
  free s., 623, 653
  fusion of the different elements of s. so imperfect, 1536
  good will that holds s. together, 1717
  Great S., 2028
  Great S. has arrived, 1714
  Great S. rests on abundance and liberty for all, 691
  has now fairly got the better of individuality, 903
  If a free s. cannot help the many who are poor, 623
  improving the mind and morals of s., 1924
  in which nobody counts for anything, 1716
  individual is not accountable to s. for his actions, 649
  is a partnership, 1715
  is not yet ripe for representative government, 742
  must make it right and possible, 19
  must take every means at its disposal to defend itself, 445
  nature of a s., 1718
  necessary to the well-being of s., 1058
  not S. for the sake of the State, 787
  representative of the whole s., 1757
  safety and happiness of s., 782
  State exists for the sake of S., 787
  supreme goal and the abiding practice of any western s., 901
  test of s., 19, 360, 363, 724, 957, 1525, 1527
  They will poison s., 46
  values and moral standards of our s., 1802
  vast restructuring of our s. is needed, 1717
  War challenges virtually every other institution of s., 1935
  were instituted for the soil, 1590
  where enterprise gains no reward, 1716
  where law is responsive to human needs, 442
  where people can fulfill their own best selves, 1343
  which scorns excellence in plumbing, 568Society of Friends, 616Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
  fall proudly a victim in body, 1833
  life and death of S. are those of a wise man, 920
  said he was not an Athenian or a Greek, 216Soft
  as drifting fog, 1109Soil
  only a thin layer of s. between himself and starvation, 31
  vulnerable reserves of air and s., 477Solar
  energy, 309
  geothermal, and non-fossil fuels, 527Soldier
  American S. known but to God, 1734
  blood of a single German s., 864
  discloses those divine attributes, 1728
  God and the s. all men adore, 1731
  Honor to the s. and sailor everywhere, 1724
  is required to perform the highest act of religious teaching-sacrifice, 1728
  most reliable s. on earth, 1722
  puts his life at stake, 1725
  slighted, 1731
  summer s. and sunshine patriot, 1821
  without cruelty, 820Soldier’s
  keep the s. faith, 1726Soldiers, 17201734
  help us to tear their s. to bloody shreds 1950
  Old s. never die 1727
  Our God and S. we alike adore, 1731
  slighted, 1731
  war the s. tried to stop, 1883
  who call upon Thee, 1473Soldiery
  press home to the S., 1181Solecism
  government without the power of defence is a s., 412
  independence of the will of the nation is a s., 943Solemn
  Thou say’st an undisputed thing in such a s. way, 631Solution, 17351736
  cannot be an American s. to every world problem, 1735
  easy s. to every human problem, 1736
  Our challenge—and its s.—lies in ourselves, 624Solutions
  bias for simple s., 1448
  sharp and clear-cut s. of difficult and obscure problems, 253Solving
  in the s. of them [problems] we can find great pleasure, 1096Some
  chicken! Some neck!, 2056Somewhere
  to get s. else, you must run at least twice as fast, 1650Son
  build me a s., 1469
  prodigal s., 635
  who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, 1469Sons
  and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us, 1360
  in peace the s. did bury their fathers, 1955
  may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, 481
  One father is enough to governe one hundred s., 193Sophisms
  errors, s., and false reasonings, 1058Sorrow
  not in s., but in gladness of heart, 843
  youth who must inherit the … s. … of war, 1923Sorry
  to be honest for nothing, 862