Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Nose to Parley
of Cleopatra, 103
one cent for tribute, 804
a penny, 804
a sixpence, 804
worth a Continental dam, 1208
chills pretense like exposure, 610
everything he wants, and n. that you want, 256
for n. any longer, 1605
got n. that I asked for—but everything I had hoped for, 1477
happens unless first a dream, 464
is easier than self-deceit, 1677
is easier than spending the public money, 799
is lasting but change, 885
is politically right which is morally wrong, 1640
is really work, 2023
is so much to be feared as fear, 600
is troublesome that we do willingly, 1116
is worse than active ignorance, 877
new under the sun, 1301
perpetual but death, 885
play for n., 2030
shall be impossible unto you, 592
so bad or so good that you will not find an Englishman doing it, 635
which he is willing to fight for, 1934
work for n., 2030
give up every preconceived n., 263
mightiest n. remains to be written, 111
children are n. tyrants, 195
children n. love luxury, 195
conjecture where we n. are, 1286
he that stands it n., deserves the love and thanks of man and woman, 1821
I am ready n., 1288
I n. belong to the executive branch, 282
if not n.—when, 1673
is the time for all good men, 1388
matter does not appear to me n. as it … appeared to me then, 1263
What counts n., 107
what the critics say n. won’t matter, 110
all these passed away, and are n., 1301
disaster, 1083
umbrella that can protect others, 1255
nourishing the mighty o., 1437
in the desert, 766
Athenian Ephebic o., 100
of good government, 778
of government, 780, 785
every imaginable o. seems to be obviated, 512
lack of o., 933
at which all political institutions aim, 782
of all legitimate government, 779
blessed act of o., 1294
lurid glare of o., 258
definition of o., 1261
mulish o. in domestic policy, 1042
part of the heaving surface of the o., 1102
without the awful roar of its many waters, 443
to our friends and Allies, 40
not man [seek] the o., 1571
perpetual o. seekers, 1563
sanctifies the holder of it, 1444
should seek the man, 1571
stay in o. too long, 1569
limits of my o. capacity, 117
no o. … can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, 647
nobody counts for anything except … an o., 1716
arrogance of o. should be tempered, 795
Bad o. are elected by good citizens who do not vote, 1905
elective o. shall not lead but merely register the popular will, 1018
political o. must necessarily direct its [war’s] general course, 1926
See also Government officials
a mistake has been made in recent years, 285
age isn’t so bad, 20
as your despair, 2099
as your doubt, 2099
as your fear, 2099
disreputable, vigorous, unhonoured, and disorderly o. age, 24
girl called Anno Domini, 1569
growing o., 25
house in which to pass his o. age, 86
last to lay the o. aside, 2021
man had learned in seven years, 2003
men know young men are fools, 607
men plant trees they will never sit under, 694
misery of o. age, 21
not letting men grow o. in their jobs, 744
order standing, 1837
people grow o. by deserting their ideals, 2099
possible for o. people not to fear the young, 19
systems and the Word, 1838
too o. to cry, but it hurt too much to laugh, 399
young men think o. men are fools, 607
[Watergate] is like the O. T., 1981
See also Bible
bad example by people much o., 2089
men declare war, 1923
one becomes wiser and more foolish, 23
order changeth, 181
upon a time all the animals in the Zoo decided that they would disarm, 440
What has o. happened will invariably happen again, 855
All for o., 1862
blaze of blinding light, 1866
cool judgment, 937
for all, 1862
giant leap for mankind, 1738
great poem of New England, 1241
I am only o., 899
man can make a difference, 900
man with courage makes a majority, 900
nothing o. man or o. woman can do, 902
river born of many streams, 1866
small step for a man, 1738
Solitary Life, 916
useless man is called a disgrace, 273
with the law is a majority, 1138
government, 1489
of the world is asleep, 2037
struggle with the o., 1620
freedom which deserves the name, 650
I am o. one, 899
those are fit to live, 1121
My life has been as an o. book, 519
ain’t over till the fat lady sings, 1817
absence of debate unrestricted utterance leads to the degradation of o., 677
difference of o. is not a difference of principle, 1596
error of o. may be tolerated, 1267
foolish and the dead alone never change their o., 1271
God’s o. that life should go on, 1100
legitimate interference of collective o., 652
marries old o. to new fact, 1837
matters of o., 647
of the people, 1245
own o. universally prevalent, 2094
public o. polls to tell me what is right, 1490
right to his o., 1262
sacrifices it to your o., 280
that all who can should vote, 1900
Unawed by O., 549
unbiased o., 280
voicing your o., 1747
as many o. as there are experts, 1273
as you and I must have five years hence, 1028
change o. even on important subjects, which I once thought right, 321
comfort of o. without discomfort of thought, 1268
decent regard to the o. of former times, 82
in matters of religion, 667
in politics and religion, 1275
maintained your interest, against your o., 1028
music of our own o., 678
of the generation that is vanishing, 1264
Predominant o., 1264
propagation of o. which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful, 668
punishes political o., 1653
separated as far as any idea that their o. shall have any effect on the course we follow, 1330
take a man whose o. are known, 1270
that are held with passion, 1275
that will prevail will be those which are held most ardently, 677
their [constituents’] o. high respect, 280
See also Public opinion
eventually die, 1665
equal o., 54
Here is Democracy’s o., 419
land of o., 54
no security … only o., 1672
shining, golden o., 68
time and o. for more cool and sedate reflection, 468
to be of service to the people, 419
to do for his children and his family, 801
His majesty’s o., 634
Turn aside when opposed rather than confront o., 1119
Fortune,… Does man her slave o., 636
and persecuted of all Nations and Religions, 884
of all lands and races, 960
any o., 225
blacklist is the most cruel form of o., 115
guard even his enemy from o., 1072
of bias and prejudice and bigotry, 1615
people should be writhing under o., 1747
racial discrimination and o., 117
reason and humanity over error and o., 1521
Kingly o., 1495
tyranny and o. of body and mind will vanish, 490
cannot talk with the same o. as its fathers, 1093
I am an o., 1433
to be a Democrat, 431
common o., 160
young o. really did lose his virginity, 1279
who rule the assemblies by the brilliancy of their eloquence, 1401
amplification is the vice of modern o., 1283
it was a bit of campaign o., 1287
Thou say’st an undisputed thing in such a solemn way, 631
and Harmony among them [soldiers], 1181
and property would be saved by a strong military government, 421
is light, peace, inner freedom, self-determination, 1289
liberty connected with o., 1050
material o., intellectual o., moral o., 1289
older o. changeth, 181
respect o., 314
watchword be o., 1360
national life is o., 1317
old o. should not be moved easily, 157
journeying in covered wagons to O., 577
walk toward O., 658
squandering the capital of metallic o., 309
question of o., 1375
I am against all big o., 822
Don’t waste any time mourning—o., 984
one’s life and distribute one’s time, 1289
style, 2075
writer, 2075
writers borrowed from one another, 2080
is nothing but judicious imitation, 2080
few of us are o., 1552
publick Buildings being the o. of a country, 93
care for … his o., 1325
defeat is an o., 1872
what shall be o. in politics, 647
to all honest and useful intents, an o., 259
it is what o. to be, 1289
Each o. of dross costs its o. of gold, 2072
of loyalty, 2027
and not in, 1434
in the world, friendless and homeless, 446
of delicacy and virtue, 1210
vicious, reckless multitude, 46
want to get in, 1426
people, 1265
the Government of the United States, 221
it [the government], 732
so much o. by so many to so few, 2052
President of the United States o. his election to … labors of a political party, 1380
representative o. you, not his industry only, but his judgment, 280
who enjoys the protection of free Government, o. … his personal services to the defence of it, 1192
I’ve heard the o., 577
people who o. the country ought to govern it, 764
When God made the o., 70
every man’s hand is out for p., 708
not keep p. with his companions, 905
that all may keep an even P., 44
talk against war, 1642
sign that he expects to be p. for it, 1309
accept p. as a condition of existence, 1127
makes man think, 2002
him and cater to him too much, 83
here, P. and its poverty, 834
Let music for peace / Be the p., 1856
what would be left for p., 1084
What a p. if our own cleverness in science should force us to live underground, 125
I won’t be a p., 656
living on the flesh of others, 766
you are a p., 766
a man who shot him on purpose, 1231
aim of p. and teacher, 501
Children begin by loving their p., 198
take … p. from their children, 1193
who merely gave them birth, 482
Bostonians, when they die, if they are good, go to P., 75
Good Americans, when they die, go to P., 75
In P. they just simply opened their eves and stared, 88
man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to P., 2007
rearm in order to p., 401