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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

AUTHOR: Henry Alfred Kissinger (1923–)
QUOTATION: The challenges before us are monumental. But it is not every generation that is given the opportunity to shape a new international order. If the opportunity is missed, we shall live in a world of chaos and danger. If it is realized we will have entered an era of peace and progress and justice. But we can realize our hopes only as a united people. Our challenge—and its solution—lies in ourselves. Our greatest foreign policy problem is our divisions at home. Our greatest foreign policy need is national cohesion and a return to the awareness that in foreign policy we are all engaged in a common national endeavor.
ATTRIBUTION: HENRY A. KISSINGER, secretary of state, speech to Boston World Affairs Council, Boston, Massachusetts, March 11, 1976.—Excerpts of official text, The New York Times, March 12, 1976, p. 4.
SUBJECTS: Foreign policy