Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Death to Different
any man’s d. diminishes me, 134
casting of the dice of d. and birth, 1542
cause of d. has been either War or Class, 228
claims the light of my brow, 1217
faithful and true even to d., 446
give me liberty, or give me d., 1061
hath not touched it at all, 1751
How beautiful is d. when earned by virtue, 1304
judgment of d., 934
life and d. are parts of the same Great Adventure, 1121
Love has power that dispels D., 1131
nothing perpetual but d., 885
only dies, 375
pursue his principles unto d., 356
rendezvous with d., 373
report of my d. has been greatly exaggerated, 378
shall call the whirlwind to his aid, 457
the shatterer of worlds, 123
steps in in the end, 86
’Tis after d. that we measure men, 366
with Christian Hope, 549
would spoil our appetite and make the world seem empty, 364
Your d. and my d. are mainly of importance to ourselves, 374
and resurrections, 1752
pass unchanged through countless d., 1752
before we float farther on the waves of this d., 1286
endorse tumultuous confrontation as substitute for d., 1389
free d. are indispensable to ultimate unity, 634
in the absence of d. unrestricted utterance leads to the degradation of opinion, 677
It [freedom of speech] can be maintained only by promoting d., 677
one possible explanation of unlimited d. in the Senate, 1281
principle of free d., 678
surrender of free d., 634
value of d. in a presidential election, 508
growth of that d., 387
increasing, by every device, the public d., 382
must not let our rulers load us with perpetual d., 381
My country owes me no d., 349
national d., 382, 388
origin of that d., 387
public d. as the greatest of the dangers to be feared, 383
public d., increasing by every device, 382
public d. should be reduced, 795
reasonable internal d., 388
was not d. but investment, 379
men are least willing to pay the taxes, 1789
of the United States, 1202
ancient civilizations in the years of their d., 226
architect of d., 184
discover in the public felicity latent causes of d., 1647
of our hearts, 53
a jay will d., 305
and propriety of conduct, 884
climate of d. and civility, 54
no sense of d., 1171
politics of d., 1424
security and liberty, 793
Not to d. is to d., 389
before the D. was completed, the poor snake died with thirst, 265
John Marshall has made his d., 939
become law by precedent, 940
great d., not easy d., 85
mistake the deliberations of the Congress for its d., 269
others seek to turn their d. to political purposes, 944
Some men can make d. and some cannot, 1513
to let someone else decide are really our d., 389
author of the D. of American I., 546
find their most famous expression in the American D. of I., 394
is my birth certificate, 65
it will cost Us to maintain this D., 392
noble D., which ought to be hung in the nursery of every king, 393
were we truly men of d., 1604
If a good d. I may do, 453
which in our guilt we today call weakness, 836
bad d. are necessary and justified, 933
Doer of d. could have done them better, 10
good d. by the enemy, 933
first d. in its [America’s] 190-year history, 1885
first President to preside over an American d., 1885
in D.: Defiance, 1958
is an orphan, 1872
man is not made for d., 398
messenger of d., 32
this new enemy, 1968
through deficit, 52
turn d. into victory, 1087
destroyed but not d., 398
and we build a way of life, 56
relax our readiness to d. ourselves, 409
Education is the cheap d. of nations, 483
expenditures, 400
is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty, 1069
machines of d., 409
Millions for d., but not one cent for tribute, 804
owes not only a portion of his property, but even his personal services to the d. of it [free Government], 1192
power of d., 412
slashes in their [defense budget] estimates, 1178
strong d. is the surest way to peace, 404
trusted for their d. to a mercenary army, 1647
enemy d., 407
weapons, 440
defeat through d., 52
Mr. Roosevelt apologized for each annual d., 379
continues to pile up d., 809
of civilization, 1527
to which justice is carried out, 957
instruments of d., 1448
Perfect happiness … was never intended by the D., 841
See also God
till to-morrow what ought to be done to-day, 1290
without undue d., 1758
all d. speed, 1758
extremely d. matters, 40
the Eye … of every observing Traveller, 59
fruitfull and d. land, 189
Expect to be called a d., 2025
always collapses over loose fiscal policy, 424
an attitude of mind, a spiritual testament, and not an economic structure or a political machine, 414
be ready to die for it [d.], 1340
cannot exist as a permanent form of government, 424
collisions and conflict that tear d. apart, 154
cure for the evils of d. is more d., 422
in order to have a revolution, 416
is baffled, 1170
is cumbersome, slow and inefficient, 426
is the theory that the common people know what they want, 423
is the worst form of Government except all those other forms, 417
make real the promise of d. 1693
means freeing intelligence for independent effectiveness, 639
must prove its capacity to act, 678
never lasts long, 413
no man has the right to strangle d. with a single set of vocal cords, 678
No one pretends that d. is perfect or all-wise, 417
of the dead, 368
pure and perfect d. is a thing not attainable by man, 425
revolution in order to establish ad., 416
soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself, 413
unsatisfied cannot long survive, 418
we are called a d., 1568
Were our State a pure d., 1591
which economically was largely socialist, 414
will prevail when men believe the vote of Judas as good as that of Jesus Christ, 415
opportunity, 419
I am not a member of any organized party—I am a D., 429
might almost be suspected of being a D., 1385
public servant third and a D. fourth, 1396
resist the concentration of power, 1458
You’ve got to be [an] optimist to be a D., 431
government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it, 1797
institutions purely d. must, sooner or later, destroy liberty, 420
Legal process is an essential part of the d. process, 1005
no. D. or Republican way of cleaning the streets, 1383
paint, 64
politicians rarely feel they can afford the luxury of telling the whole truth, 1563
purely d. government, 421
society is outraged, 1170
ain’t on speakin’ terms with itsilf, 427
however bad the Republican party was, the D. p. was much worse, 1600
southern D. are in the saddle, 428
stop telling lies about the D., 1387
tell the truth about the Democrats, 1387
slays the life of the people, 672
them for things that we ourselves do every day, 1509
I say; and let us have done with you, 1035
back again to bondage, 1238
Law cannot give to d. the rewards of virtue, 783
that will curl your hair, 1795
Two d., one of whom is a radical, 1031
remember your d., 1732
who boast of ancestors, 121
convert it [a garden] into a d., 1550
Nor d. my comrade, 100
oasis in the d., 766
those who make the d. bloom, 912
civilization always results in d., 833
deep within the soul, 1229
to do right, 1307
as old as your d., 2099
black night of d., 59
hope in the midst of d., 863
never d., 1357
winter of d., 1818
From the d. city you go into the d. country, 1124
men lead lives of quiet d., 1124
reality of universal suffrage, 1595
arrested the course of d., 676
bureaucratic d., 1646
can only end in d.,… when the people become corrupted, 322
Commerce between master and slave is d., 1062
not a government of laws, 756
of ill health, 1615
protection against political d., 652
seeds of d., 1069
just God who presides over the d. of nations, 1061
of half the world, 2045
of the world, 488
by d. rather than choice, 662
fabric of human d., 432
face to face with our d., 11
grow towards the stars of my greater d., 1480
if we are to achieve our d., 132
of the state is in the hands of the many, 912
our d., with the aid of God, remains in our own hands, 433
rendezvous with d., 1607
There is a d. that makes us brothers, 136
where the meaning of our lives matches the products of our labor, 691
begetting the very thing it seeks to d., 1893
necessary to d. the town to save it, 1888
power to tax is not the power to d., 1792
power to tax is the power to d., 1798
we exercise the right to d. him [the president], 1509
subtle d. of the human spirit, 1984
If d. be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher, 522
seem’d to be threaten’d with absolute d., 59
Strength makes d. attainable, 404
to make the right things happen, 1636
help the d. nations of the world, 611
benefit of law, 434
courage to treat with the d. in person, 435
from the d. himself, if he wore a crown, 614
himself cannot make him say yes, 1272
brew, 38
doctrines of d., 1457
to boys, 192
to children, 192
To lovers I d., 192
Covers Dixie like the d., 1244
are only chunks of coal, 1356
casting of the d. of death and birth, 1542
only d. that freemen acknowledge, 1196
not bow his neck to any d. government, 1671
people reach for d., 1774
of ignorance, 1615
do not grow out of strong and successful governments, 750
of the world, 613
Be ashamed to d., 1875
be ready to d. for it [democracy], 1340
but once to serve our country, 1304
danger that he may d., 1106
for one’s country, 367
for our country, 367
happy, 1655
Old soldiers never d., 1727
on the gallows or of the pox, 372
so it [my epitaph] can be carved, 1155
taught us how to d., 1222
time to be born, and a time to d., 1810
To d. will be an awfully big adventure, 988
when we come to d. even the undertaker will be sorry, 1125
who are not afraid to d. 1121
who do not fear to d., 1121
Who lets his country d., lets all things d., 348
who’ve no retreat, 1871
without a vision, 43
without hard practical sense, 43
foolish and wrong to mourn the men who d., 1730
gloriously on the field of battle, 370
Let me not mourn for the men who have d., 1730
anyone who d. for his country is a fortunate man, 1721
never d. the dream, 457
nobody d. to get it [liberty], 1045
the same, 1223
when a great man d., 371
of opinion is not a difference of principle, 1596
between men and women, 2013
let us not be blind to our d., 436
laws, 1631
manners, 1631
prudent without having my mind closed to anything that is new or d., 1396
right to be d., 645
[tasks] from those which our fathers faced, 697