Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Civilization to CongressHouse of Representatives
always results in deserts, 833
cannot survive materially, 230
degree of c., 1527
greatest menace to our c., 224
institutions purely democratic must, … destroy liberty, or c., 420
inventions which abridge distance have done most for c., 1536
is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within, 1646
major advances in c., 183
a man doesn’t save a century, or a c., 107
Modern c. depends on science, 1663
no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and c., 1919
or liberty must perish, 334
respect … for its [America’s] c., 96
tap root of c., 1437
test of c., 19, 360, 363, 724, 957, 1525, 1527
usual interval of c., 47
wedge designed to attack our c., 225
will not last, 1861
would perish, 421
ancient c. in the years of their decay, 226
average age of world’s greatest c. has been 200 years, 424
breakdowns of c., 227
grow old and die out, 129
society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors, 178
we c. people have been spoilt, 1609
There must be c., 157
cause of death has been either War or C., 228
“dangerous c.,” 46
habitual drunkards as a c., 36
struggle, 1646
and conditions of people, 1900
neglected c. in our city, 46
train and c. the whole of our male citizens, 1187
the body of this nation, 1235
and present danger, 675
Let me make it c., 272
perfectly c., 231
very c., 232
If you are not very c., 254
pound of c., 2027
froth of misleading self-congratulation and c., 50
poised between the c. and the indiscretion, 438
hold fast to the c. of our forebears, 1268
of decency and civility, 54
to the top of the greasy pole, 1778
intervention in which the instinct for domination c. itself, 2039
Mona Lisa painted by a c., 898
like a C. and six, 44
Diamonds are only chunks of c., 1356
from c., oil, uranium and throrium to solar energy, 309
which fitted him when a boy, 178
a snook, 656
tolerable basis of c., 235
credit, and circulation, 1200
demonology, 248
in the midst of a cold war, 233
in Western Europe, 236
man whose … statue [should be] placed in every c., 6
most conservative persons I ever met are c. undergraduates, 2100
like to see our c. and universities denigrated, 524
See also Campus violence; Education, Universities
judged by the c. of their skin, 462
let the word “negro,” “c.,” and “black” be stricken, 119
man’s cause, 1600
man’s political hopes and the ark of his safety, 1601
men looking for loans, 118
Fifth c., 408
if these c. fall, they will not be raised again, 755
of constitutional liberty, 755
supreme c. that will decide the destinies of the world, 488
women in c. might be too fierce, 1190
to the aid of the party, 1388
no credit to being a c., 748
Russian c., everybody dies, 1655
like a fatal c. we may bring destruction in our train, 451
of opinions without the discomfort of thought, 1268
talkative and impertinently busy, as though they were all c., 1941
the Heartland, 2041
the riches of the world, 2044
the sea, 2044
the trade of the world, 2044
the World, 2041
the World-Island, 2041
her among her female acquaintances, 1460
Credit is the vital air of the system of modern c., 359
horse-and-buggy definition of interstate c., 1763
without morality, 1697
to justice, to excellence, to courage, 1299
Could Hamlet have been written by a c., 898
is a group of the unwilling, 241
Congress in its c. is Congress at work, 276
man, 71
men, 66
nothing is more c. than unsuccessful men with talent, 1355
object, 99
participation in a common benefit, 1329
people know what they want, 423
The Lord prefers c. people, 1339
British C., 279
faithful to their system, remained in a wise and masterly inactivity, 1038
See also House of Commons
nothing important to c., 1540
conciliation, compromise, and cooperation, 264
and socialism will claim to be heard, 1595
Britons would rather take the risk of civilizing c., 532
challenge of c., 580
collapse in Russia followed by c., 2046
if Freedom and C. were to compete for man’s allegiance, 692
of pelf, 139
world’s troubles are not due just to Russia, or c., 1618
bugaboo, 250
carry on C. work in them at all costs, 245
conspiracy, 248
Every C. must grasp the truth, 1451
support of the C. P, 246
not because the c. may be doing it, 623
nothing wrong with c., 249
people of Viet-Nam, against the C., 1882
set up any government, 243
several of the best friends I have are C., 249
took over the Catholic eastern portion of Poland, 165
not keep pace with his c., 905
This is a world of c., 648
power of the thought to get itself accepted in the c. of the market, 1835
to apathy, 1238
See also Contented
Never c., never explain, 1113
voice of c., 1747
as surrender, 1448
Congress is communication, conciliation, c. and cooperation, 264
friendly c., 255
his idea of a c., 256
is the oil that makes governments go, 255
legislation is the result of c., 251
seek patiently and faithfully for peaceful c., 253
used to mean that half a loaf, 252
legislation is a series of c., 257
retirement, 1569
he [man] is identifiable only in the c., 1144
regime of the c., 1144
sonata or a mechanical c., 898
Nor desert my c., 100
of letters, 2081
of thought and of principle, 2081
mystery and c., 1670
two mountains of c., 1253
camp system in Germany was a model of horrible efficiency, 1372
for the man himself, 1661
When Hitler attacked … I was not c. [and then] there was nobody left to be c., 1749
of inestimable value, 737
Congress is communication, c., 264
you should be c., 254
endowment, 1368
profound and bitter c., 530
which confronts us—not a theory, 1806
character and c., 1210
conciliatory and friendly to all nations, 616
conscience approves his c., 356
decency and propriety of c., 884
good influence of our c., 451
government’s c. in the stormy years that lie ahead, 1604
judgment on wrong c., 934
of any one, for which he is amenable to society, 651
of the State, 963
people determines its c., 1247
[President] responsible for their [subordinates’] c., 1500
Rule of C., 452
rules of c., that are commands to the citizen, 793
shock us with unaccustomed c., 258
supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good c. or bad c., 1507
affair of masks and mystification, 1943
lasted six weeks … wasted six weeks, 1943
to arrange the matter [deciding that they would disarm], 440
was held for one reason only, 1943
we [America] never won a c., 1944
takes two or three c. to scare up a war, 1943
abuse of c., 1246
assure to us the c. of mankind, 1082
considered in c., 1669
Public c. in the integrity of Government, 752
of their sources, 1522
deteriorated by c., 1526
between giant organized system, 224
ability of the President and the C. to govern this Nation, 526
and this administration will be remembered in spite of ourselves, 1701
As long as C. does not revise its priorities, 806
can be remembered for its opening the way to a new American revolution, 1617
cannot authorize the payment … of any other debts but those due to the United States, 1202
coequal role of the C., in our constitutional process, 264
critics of, 263, 269, 296
decided whether or not to declare a state of war exists with North Vietnam, 1879
drawbacks of being in C., 302
every time they make a joke it’s a law, 271
every time they make a law it’s a joke, 271
finest c. money can buy
[greatness not] in her democratic C., 829
I am your man, 1491
I have been in C. two months and haven’t done it, 302
if the President in the recess of C. [acts] … without the possibility of a check, 1931
in declaring war, 1931
in its committee-rooms is Congress at work, 276
in session is Congress on public exhibition, 276
inquiries being conducted by committees of the C., 893
is bound to look after the government of the District of Columbia, 1974
is so strange, 266
jeopardized any moment C. decides to do so, 214
just and lawful wars authorized by C., 55
kid C. and the Senate, dont scold em, 270
let C. jargon as it will, 711
most enlightened body of men in the world, 262
motto toward the C., 264
negroes’ temporary farewell to the American C., 119
no distinctly native American criminal class except C., 275
no need to learn how C. speaks for the people, 74
on public education, 276
pass on to this C. advice, 888
plead their cause before C., 1516
power to interpret the people’s will, 1711
principle of free debate, inside or outside the halls of C., 678
propriety of having a C., 1496
provided an appropriation for the … expenses of each of the great national parties, 152
sometimes the C. has won, 272
substantive evils that C. has a right to prevent, 675
three or more [useless men], 273
through their C. [the people] decide how far they wish to go, 797
urge this C. … to join me in that effort [war on poverty], 1440
war-making power to C., 1495
advice to freshmen, 284
honesty and plain sense, in a H.R., 259
I love the H.R., 264
an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the H.R. considers [it] to be, 889
is composed of very good men, not shining, but honest, 279
is the most peculiar assemblage in the world, 281
know its idiosyncracies, 281
length of service is what gives influence, 285
no great respect for the lower house, 297
People’s House, 282
power of impeachment is … solely entrusted … to the H.R., 893
right in the H.R. to demand … all the Papers respecting a negotiation with a foreign power, 792
vs. House of Commons, 279