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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

Abolition of slavery to America

Abolition of slavery. See Slavery.Abortions, 1085Abraham
  children of the Stock of A., 670Absolute
  faith corrupts as absolutely as a. power, 1448
  power corrupts absolutely, 1443Absurdity
  height of a. in one generation, 2001Abundance
  restless in the midst of a., 86
  to selfishness, 1238Abuse
  dies in a day, 672Abyss
  of the human species, 213
  sink into the a. of a new Dark Age, 2055Acceptance
  of every consequence of living and dying, 1127Accident
  prominence not through luck or by mere a., 281Accidents
  judge … by its general tendency, not by happy a., 736Account
  authentic moderately conceivable a., 1035Accountable
  individual is not a. to society, 649Accusation
  guilty who justifies himself before a., 837Accuses
  who excuses himself, a. himself, 837Achieve
  I asked God for strength, that I might a., 1477
  political power and do big things, 1361
  seek to a. good in their own small corner of the world, 1361Achievement
  in public life, 97
  jail sentence is no longer a dishonor but a proud a., 221
  love and a., 845
  reward a. in the arts as we reward a. in business or statecraft, 96
  triumph of high a., 10Achievements
  Enjoy your a. as well as your plans, 1114
  noble deeds and high a., 502Achilles
  see the great A., 575Acres of Diamonds speech, 817, 1201Act
  as you breathe, 2
  character of every a. depends upon the circumstances, 675
  from honest motives purely, 1126
  Man is … born to a., 869
  not only for the moment but for our time, 1815
  only according to that maxim, 1010
  promptly, 6
  quick to a., 2092
  to a. is to affirm the worth of an end, 869
  to the best of my judgment, 300
  unless they a., 1
  unwillingness to a., 854Action, 114
  freedom as the principal means of a., 2045
  is a lack of balance, 3
  justice is truth in a., 952
  liberty of thought and a., 671
  Life is a., 1115
  life is a. and passion, 1088
  life of a., 11
  man of a., 23
  of the enemy is judged by one standard, 933
  vital necessity of a. today, 1772
  what is meant by a., 3
  would be simple and effective, 854
  See also DoingActions
  my a. did belie my tongue, 1019
  not accountable to society for his a., 649Activism
  generation before us was inspired by an a., 697Acts
  of God, 701
  to improve the lot of others, 8Adam
  another A. and Eve, 1259Adams, John (1735–1826), 1018Adams, Samuel (1722–1803), 1630Addict
  The Psalm of the A., 852Administer
  the affairs of government, 1683Administering
  the government, 1670Administration
  a chance to catch up with legislation, 2025
  Art of Legislation and A., 481
  Bad a., to be sure, can destroy good policy, 1372
  good a. can never save bad policy, 1372
  government is distinctive from a., 734
  no a.,… can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years, 735
  oppose the particular principles and methods of a., 734
  will be remembered in spite of ourselves, 1701Administrative
  power of a. bodies, 582Adultery
  Do not a. commit, 1805
  Thou shalt not commit a., 1804Advancement
  of the arts, 1532Adventure
  life and death are parts of the same Great A., 1121
  Life for him was an a., 1087
  spirit of enterprise and a., 658
  To die will be an awfully big a., 988Adventures
  bold a. abroad and witch hunts at home, 580Adversity
  partners in a., 1667Advertisements
  vulgarizing charming landscapes with hideous a., 313Advice
  about the main matter, 1269
  pass on to this Congress a., 888
  to your children, 197
  whatever a. you give, be brief, 2000Advise
  he can a. me … but [let him] come with me into Macedonia, 1928
  no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme, 239Aemilius Paulus, Lucius (229?–160 B.C.) 1928, 1941Aerodynamics
  theory of a., 604Aeschylus (525–456 B.C.), 1087Affluence, 1518Affluent
  less livable as it becomes more a., 16
  misery, 17
  most a. slum on earth, 18
  society, 18, 1896Africa, 1609
  all the armies of Europe, Asia, and A. combined, 406
  American frontier has been on the coasts of … A., 2064
  cultures of Asia and the continent of A., 182
  peoples of Asia, A.,… can destroy it piece by piece, 1927Afterwards
  heavy curse on those who come a., 697Again
  cannot come a., 2093
  will invariably happen a., 855Against
  what we are a., 107Age
  disturbed, confused, bewildered, afraid of its own forces, 474
  her real a., 2018
  is forgiven nothing, 2098
  it was the a. of wisdom, it was the a. of foolishness, 1818
  Men of a. object too much, consult too long, 2084
  middle a., 2016
  misery of old a., 21
  never trust a woman who tells one her real a., 2018
  of Pericles … Phidias … Lorenzo de Medici … Leonard da Vinci … Elizabeth … Shakespeare, 97
  Old a. isn’t so bad, 20
  sink into the abyss of a new Dark A., 2055
  some men lift the a. they inhabit, 814
  when man goes stooping and querulous because of the nothing that is left of him, 921
  which forgives itself everything, 2098Aged, 1926Aggressive
   fighting for the right, 1637Agitation
  favor freedom and yet deprecate a., 443Agitators
  talk against the things considered holy, 1642Agony
  going through this quiet a. all over again, 288
  wars are the glory and the a. of the young, 1920Agree
  men and women a., 2015Agricultural
  governments will remain virtuous … as long as they are chiefly a., 726
  products of … Illinois, 149Agriculture, 2731
  nothing better becomes a well-bred man than a., 28Aim
  high in hope and work, 1360
  much higher than their mark, 825
  of government is liberty, 785
  of government is not to rule, 785
  with one lustrous a., 915
  with the aid of so high an a., to attain their purpose, 825Air
  vulnerable reserves of a. and soil, 477Alamo, 32Alaska, 33Albany, New York
  voice that shall be heard from here to A., 1745Alcohol, 3438
  Protocol, a. and Geritol, 1858Algiers
  from the dey of A., 614All
  animals are equal, 553
  deliberate speed, 1758
  for one, one for all, 1862
  men are created equal, 219, 396397, 462
  that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother, 1225
  the men and women merely players, 1158
  the world’s a stage, 1158Alleghenies
  Europe extends to the A., 557Allegiance
  Athenian Ephebic Oath, 100
  my a. is to this Union and to my State, 267
  my love and my devotion, 1364
  pledge a. to the Flag, 1363
  to Germany, 883Alliance
  between one millionaire and many beggars, 39Alliance for Progress, 39Alliances
  entangling a. with none, 619Allied
  victory, 234Allies, 4042
  no eternal a., 42
  on the Continent, 40Ally
  of a prince more powerful than himself, 1449Alone
  None goes his way a., 136Alphabet, 1536Altar
  of Freedom, 370Ambition
  direction in which talent and a. flow, 1718
  is the last refuge of the failure, 590
  scope of human a., 1745Ambitious
  be reasonably a. to have it [money], 1201Amendment
  eighteenth a., 37
  first a., 167, 1015, 1261
  nineteenth a., 2013
  tenth a., 633
  to the constitution, 332, 339, 384, 1711
  twenty-second a., 1569Amenity
  river is more than an a., it is a treasure, 1645America, 4370
  become a second-rate power, 1885
  Bless our land, 1468
  business of A. is business, 140
  cause of A. is a revolutionary cause, 1615
  Cease to brag to me of A., 45
  dictatress of the world, 613
  distresses in A., 1200
  doctrine that is alien to A., 640
  farther away from A. than I could be on some foreign shore, 1973
  fingers which are now being pointed toward A., 1254
  frontier of A. is on the Rhine, 2064
  glory of the people of A., 82
  greatness and genius of A., 829
  has a unique record, 1944
  has been reared for immortality, 63
  has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration, 47
  heart of A. is felt less here [Washington, D.C.], 1973
  I see A., 59
  if A. ever ceases to be good, A. will cease to be great, 829
  if A. had stayed out of the war, 2046
  If she forgets where she came from, 60
  if we lose the virile, manly qualities, 226
  in A., the President reigns … and Journalism governs, 1524
  in which people can still get rich, 1384
  is a fabulous country, 69
  is a great, and in many respects a blessed and hopeful phenomenon, 45
  is a great, unwieldy Body, 44
  is better than every other country, 1308
  is great because she is good, 829
  is no better than any other country, 1308
  is open to receive not only the Opulent and respectable Stranger, 884
  is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth, 2049
  is the only idealistic nation in the world, 871
  is the paradise of lawyers, 1014
  like a young phoenix, 1067
  lost here in A., 67
  might become the dictatress of the world, 613
  nation of hucksters, 226
  nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions, 1482
  needs new immigrants, 881
  not for A. alone, 56
  not only the problems of A., 621
  now is stumbling through the darkness of hatred and divisiveness, 1302
  people of A. believe in American institutions, 73
  percentage of fools in this country, 606
  plague A. with misery in the name of liberty, 1047
  promise of A., 68
  proud of what A. has meant to himself and to the world, 54
  secret of atomic energy does not belong to A., 1254
  there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be, 613
  to remain master of her power, 1311
  turning A. into a prison house of the spirit, 18
  virtues that made A., 58
  voice of A., 66, 74
  what A. means, 349
  what are you [America] going to do with all these things, 51
  when A. was the most powerful nation in the world, 1140
  where religious intolerance will someday end, 669
  which commands respect throughout the world, 96
  which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, 104
  wilds of A., 88
  will enter its third century, 1617
  will one day go fascist democratically, 1907
  will rise full plumed and glorious from her mother’s ashes, 1067
  would be the first to claim, 1346
  would involve herself … in all the wars of interest and intrigue, 613
  young people of A., 2096
  zealous in the cause of A., 1620
  See also United States