Ralph Waldo Emerson, comp. (1803–1882). Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry. 1880.
GlenlogieSmith’s Scottish Minstrelsy
But bonnie Glenlogie’s the flower o’ them a’,
Wi’ his milk-white steed and his bonnie black e’e,
“Glenlogie, dear mither, Glenlogie for me!”
“O say nae sae, mither, for that canna be;
Though Doumlie is richer, and greater than he,
Yet if I maun tak him, I’ll certainly dee.
Will gae to Glenlogie, and come again soon?”
“O here am I a bonnie boy, to win hose and shoon,
Will gae to Glenlogie and come again soon.”
’Twas “wash ye, my pretty boy, wash and go dine,”
“O ’twas ne’er my father’s fashion, and it ne’er shall be mine
To gar a lady’s hasty errand wait till I dine.”
The first line that he read, a low smile gave he,
The next line that he read, the tear blindit his e’e;
But the last line that he read, he gart the table flee.
Gar saddle the swiftest steed e’er rade frae a town;”
But lang ere the horse was drawn and brought to the green,
O bonnie Glenlogie was twa mile his lane.
Bonnie Jean’s mother was tearing her hair;
“Ye’re welcome, Glenlogie, ye’re welcome,” said she,
“Ye’re welcome, Glenlogie, your Jeanie to see.”
But red and rosy grew she, whene’er he sat down;
She turned awa’ her head, but the smile was in her e’e,
“O binna feared, mither, I’ll maybe no dee.”