Ralph Waldo Emerson, comp. (1803–1882). Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry. 1880.
To a ChildNathaniel Parker Willis (1806–1867)
As innocent as now,
That time might ever leave as free
Thy yet unwritten brow.
I would life were all poetry
To gentle measure set,
That nought but chastened melody
Might stain thine eye of jet,
Nor one discordant note be spoken,
Till God the cunning harp had broken.
I fear thy gentle loveliness,
Thy witching tone and air,
Thine eye’s beseeching earnestness
May be to thee a snare.
The silver stars may purely shine,
The waters taintless flow;
But they who kneel at woman’s shrine
Breathe on it as they bow.