Ralph Waldo Emerson, comp. (1803–1882). Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry. 1880.
Prayer to ApolloGeoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340–1400)
(See full text.)
Apollo through thy greate might,
This littell last booke now thou gie,
Now that I will for maistrie,
Here art potenciall be shewde,
But for the rime is light and lewde,
Yet make it somewhat agreeable,
Though some verse fayle in a sillable,
And that I do no diligence,
To shewe craft, but sentence,
And if divine vertue thou
Wilt helpe me to shewe now,
That in my heed ymarked is,
Lo, that is for to meanen this,
The House of Fame for to discrive,—
Thou shalt see me go as blive
Unto the next laurel I see
And kisse it, for it is thy tree,
Now enter in my brest anon.