Ralph Waldo Emerson, comp. (1803–1882). Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry. 1880.
HonoriaCoventry Patmore (1823–1896)
Of love: her farewell showed me plain
She loved, on the majestic terms
That she should not be loved again.
She was all mildness; yet t’was writ
Upon her beauty legibly,
“He that’s for heaven itself unfit,
Let him not hope to merit me.”
And though her charms are a strong law
Compelling all men to admire,
They are so clad with lovely awe,
None but the noble dares desire.
Will comprehend that souls of grace
Own sweet repulsion, and that ’tis
The quality of their embrace
Of coupled suns, that, from afar,
Mingle their mutual spheres, while each
Circles the twin obsequious star:
Of heart to heart, he’ll vow to note
And reverently understand
How the two spirits shine remote;
Nor let sweet awe in passion melt,
Nor fail by courtesies to observe
The space which makes attraction felt;
Which tells him that the embrace of love
Is o’er a gulf of difference
Love cannot sound, nor death remove.