Ralph Waldo Emerson, comp. (1803–1882). Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry. 1880.
Epistle to a Friend, to Persuade Him to the WarsBen Jonson (1572–1637)
Thy true friend’s wishes, Colby, which shall be,
That thine be just and honest, that thy deeds
Not wound thy conscience, when thy body bleeds;
That thou dost all things more for truth than glory,
And never but for doing wrong be sorry;
That, by commanding first thyself, thou mak’st
Thy person fit for any charge thou tak’st;
That Fortune never make thee to complain,
But what she gives, thou dar’st give her again!
That, whatsoever face thy Fate puts on,
Thou shrink or start not, but be always one:
That thou think nothing great, but what is good;
And from that thought strive to be understood.
These take, and now go seek thy peace in war:
Who falls for love of God shall rise a star.