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T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.

When As I Do Record

Percy’s Folio Manuscript
(Anonymous. Before 1650. Vol. IV)

WHEN as I do record
  the pleasures I have had
At this side slippery board,
  my mind is merry and glad.
With many a lusty lass        5
  my pleasure I have tane:
I would give mine old white Jade
  that Jenny were here again!
She brews and bakes to sell
  for such as do pass by;        10
Good fellows love her well;
  in faith and so do I!
For ever when I was dry,
  of drink I would have tane,
I would tread both shoes awry,        15
  that Jenny, etc.
Full oft she and I
  within the buttery played
At tray tripe of a dye,
  and sent away the maid.        20
For she is of the dealing trade,
  she will give you three for one;
She is no sullen Jade;
  giff Jenny, etc.
A man might for a penny        25
  have had a pot of ale,
And tasted of a Coney
  of either leg or tail;
For she would never fail
  if she were in the vain.        30
Alas, all flesh were frail
  giff Jenny, etc.
Full oft I have been her man,
  her market for to make;
And after I have ridden        35
  a journey for her sake,
Her panell I could take,
  and gallop all amain;
I’d make both bedsides crack
  that Jenny, etc.        40
You hostesses that mean
  for to live by your trade,
If you scorn to kiss,
  then keep a pretty maid!
For drink is not worth a lowse        45
  if lasses there be none!
I would drink a whole carouse
  that Jenny were here again!