T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
The Pack-saddle
By Jean de La Fontaine (1621–1695)(From Tales and Novels, 1764) A FAMOUS painter, jealous of his wife, | |
Whose charms he valued more than fame or life, | |
When going on a journey used his art, | |
To paint an ASS upon a certain part, | |
(Umbilical, ’tis said) and like a seal: | 5 |
Impressive token, nothing thence to steal. | |
A brother brush, enamoured of the dame, | |
Now took advantage, and declared his flame: | |
The ASS effaced, but God knows how ’twas done; | |
Another soon howe’er he had begun, | 10 |
And finished well, upon the very spot; | |
In painting, few more praises ever got; | |
But want of recollection made him place | |
A saddle, where before he none could trace. | |
The husband, when returned, desired to look | 15 |
At what he drew, when leave he lately took. | |
Yes, see my dear, the wily wife replied, | |
The ASS is witness, faithful I abide. | |
Zounds! said the painter, when he got a sight,— | |
What!—you’d persuade me ev’ry thing is right? | 20 |
I wish the witness you display so well, | |
And him who saddled it, were both in Hell. | |