T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
The Fan
By John Gay (1685–1732)(From The Fan, 1713) SEE, to his soft embraces how she steals,* * * * * | |
And on his lips her warm caresses seals; | |
No more her hand the glitt’ring jav’lin holds, | |
But round his neck her eager arms she folds. | |
Why are our secrets by our blushes shown? | 5 |
Virgins are virgins still—while ’tis unknown. | |
Here let her on some flowery bank be laid, | |
Where meeting beeches weave a grateful shade, | |
Her naked bosom wanton tresses grace, | |
And glowing expectation paints her face, | 10 |
O’er her fair limbs a thin loose veil is spread, | |
Stand off, ye shepherds; fear Actaeon’s head; | |
Let vig’rous Pan the unguarded minute seize, | |
And in a shaggy goat the virgin please, | |
Why are our secrets by our blushes shown? | 15 |
Virgins are virgins still—while ’tis unknown. | |
There with just warmth Aurora’s passion trace, | |
Let spreading crimson stain her virgin face; | |
[Behind, her rosy mantle loosely flows, | |
Her blooming features youthful health disclose.] | 20 |
See Cephalus her wanton airs despise, | |
While she provokes him with desiring eyes; | |
[Now unconstrain’d she will indulge her flame, | |
Prevailing love hath stifled all her shame.] | |
To raise his passion she displays her charms, | 25 |
His modest hand upon her bosom warms; | |
Nor looks, nor prayers, nor force his heart persuade, | |
But with disdain he quits the rosy maid. | |
Here let dissolving Leda grace the toy, | |
Warm cheeks and heaving breasts reveal her joy; | 30 |
Beneath the pressing swan she pants for air, | |
While with his flutt’ring wings he fans the fair. | |
There let all-conqu’ring gold exert its power, | |
And soften Danae in a glitt’ring shower. | |
Would you warn beauty not to cherish pride, | 35 |
Nor vainly in the treach’rous bloom confide, | |
On the machine the sage Minerva place, | |
With lineaments of wisdom mark her face; | |
See, where she lies near some transparent flood, | |
And with her piper cheers the resounding wood: | 40 |
Her image in the looking glass she spies, | |
Her bloated cheeks, worn lips, and shrivelled eyes; | |
She breaks the guiltless pipe, and with disdain | |
Its shattered ruins flings upon the plain. | |
With the loud reed no more her cheek shall swell; | 45 |
What, spoil her face! no. Warbling strains, farewell. | |
Shall arts—shall sciences employ the fair? | |
Those trifles are beneath Minerva’s care. | |
From Venus let her learn the married life, | |
And all the virtuous duties of a wife. | 50 |
Here on a couch extend the Cyprian dame, | |
Let her eye sparkle with the growing flame; | |
The God of war within her clinging arms, | |
Sinks on her lips, and kindles all her charms. | |
[The prying Sun their am’rous strife betrays, | 55 |
And through the casement darts his treach’rous rays.] | |
Paint limping Vulcan with a husband’s care, | |
And let his brow the cuckhold’s honours wear; | |
Beneath the net the captive lovers place, | |
Their limbs entangled in a close embrace. | 60 |
[The summon’d Gods survey the struggling bride, | |
And with contemptuous smiles the spouse deride.] | |
Let these amours adorn the new machine, | |
And female nature on the piece be seen; | |
So shall the fair as long as fans shall last | 65 |
Learn from your bright examples to be chaste. | |