T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
The Description of a Woman
By Robert Herrick (1591–1674)(Rawlinson MS. 160 Poet. fols. 105–6) WHOSE head befringed with bescattered tresses | |
Seems like Apollo’s when the morn he blesses | |
Or like unto Aurora when she sets | |
Her long dishevel’d rose-crown’d tramaletts: | |
Her forehead smooth full polished bright and high | 5 |
Bares in itself a graceful majesty. | |
Under the which two crawling eyebrows twine | |
Like to the tendrils of a flat’ring vine, | |
Under whose shade two starry sparkling eyes | |
Are beautifi’d with fair fring’d canopies. | 10 |
Her comely nose with uniformal grace | |
Like purest white stands in the middle place | |
Parting the pair, as we may well suppose | |
Each cheek resembling still a damask rose, | |
Which like a garden manifestly show | 15 |
How roses, lilies and carnations grow, | |
Which sweetly mixed both with white and red | |
Like rose leaves, white and red seem mingled. | |
Then nature for a sweet allurement sets | |
Two smelling swelling (bashful) cherrylets, | 20 |
The which with ruby redness being tip’d. | |
Do speak a virgin merry cherry-lip’d. | |
Over the which a neat sweet skin is drawn | |
Which makes them shew like roses under lawn. | |
These be the Ruby portals and divine | 25 |
Which ope themselves to shew an holy shrine | |
Whose breath is rich perfume, that to the sense | |
Smells like the burnt Sabæan frankincense | |
In which the tongue, though but a member small, | |
Stands guarded with rosy hilly wall, | 30 |
And her white teeth which in the gums are set | |
Like pearl and gold make one rich Cabinet | |
Next doth her chin with dimpled beauty strive | |
For his plump white and smooth prerogative, | |
At whose fair top to please the sight there grows | 35 |
The blessed Image of a blushing rose | |
Mov’d by the chin whose motion causeth this | |
That both her lips do part, do meet, do kiss; | |
Her ears, which like two Labyrinths are plac’d | |
On either side with rich rare Jewels grac’d, | 40 |
Moving a question whether that by them | |
The gem is grac’d? or they grac’d by the Gem? | |
But the foundation of this Architect | |
Is the swan-staining fair rare, stately neck | |
Which with ambitious humbleness stands under | 45 |
Bearing aloft this rich round world of wonder. | |
In which the veins implanted seem to lie | |
Like loving vines hid under Ivory, | |
So full of claret that who so pricks a vine | |
May see it sprout forth streams of muscadine. | 50 |
Her breast (a place for beauty’s throne most fit) | |
Bears up two globes where love and pleasure sit, | |
Which headed with two rich round rubies show | |
Like wanton rose buds growing out of snow, | |
And in the milky valley that’s between | 55 |
Sits Cupid kissing of his mother Queen, | |
(Fing’ring) the paps that feel like sleeded silk | |
And prest a little they will weep new milk. | |
Then comes the belly seated next below | |
Like a fair mountain in Riphean snow, | 60 |
Where nature in a whiteness without spot | |
Hath in the middle tied a Gordian knot | |
Or else that she on that white waxen hill | |
Hath seal’d the promise of her utmost skill. | |
But now my muse hath spy’d a dark descent | 65 |
From this so peerless precious permanent, | |
A milky high way that direction yields | |
Unto the port mouth of th’ Elysian fields, | |
A place desir’d of all but got by these | |
Whom love admits to this Hesperides. | 70 |
Here’s golden fruit that far exceeds all price | |
Growing in this love guarded paradise. | |
Above the entrance there is written this | |
This is the portal to the bower of bliss. | |
Through mid’st thereof a crystal stream there flows | 75 |
Passing the sweet sweet of a musky rose. | |
Now love invites me to survey her thighs | |
Swelling in likeness like two crystal skies | |
With plump soft flesh of mettle pure and fine | |
Resembling shields both smooth and crystalline. | 80 |
Hence rise those two ambitious hills that look | |
Into the middle (most) sight pleasing crook | |
Which for the better beautifying shrouds | |
Its humble self ’twixt two aspiring clouds, | |
Which to the knees by nature fastened on | 85 |
Derive their overwell grac’d motion. | |
Her legs with two clear calves like silver tride | |
Kindly swell up with little pretty pride, | |
Leaving a distance for the beauteous small | |
To beautify the leg and foot withal. | 90 |
Then lowly yet most lovely stand the feet, | |
Round short and clear, like pounded spices sweet | |
And whatsoever thing they tread upon | |
They make it scent like bruisèd Cinnamon. | |
The lovely shoulders now allure the eye | 95 |
To see two tablets of pure Ivory | |
From which two arms like branches seem to spread | |
With tender rind and silver coloured, | |
With little hands and fingers long and small | |
To grace a Lute, a vial, Virginal. | 100 |
In length each finger doth his next excel, | |
Each richly headed with a pearly shell | |
Richer then that fair precious virtuous horn | |
That arms the forehead of the Unicorn. | |
Thus every part in contrariety | 105 |
Meets in the whole and makes a harmony | |
As divers strings do singly disagree | |
But form’d by number make sweet melody. | |
Unto the Idol of ye work divine | |
I consecrate this loving work of mine, | 110 |
Bowing my lips unto ye stately root | |
Whence beauty springs, and thus I kiss thy foot. | |