T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
The Dainty Damsel’s Dream
By Laurence Price (fl. 1625–1680?)(Roxburgh Ballads, iii. 226) AS I lay on my lovely bed, I fell into a dream,Or, Cupid’s Visions
PART ONE | |||||||||||||
God Cupid he attended me, and straight upon the same, | |||||||||||||
The Chamber where I lodged in, methought was all on fire, | |||||||||||||
Then Mars and Jupiter came in, with wrath and furious ire. | |||||||||||||
After came Venus with her train of Nymphs most fair and bright, | 5 | ||||||||||||
And prickt my heart in every vein, much like to kill me quite; | |||||||||||||
I knew no reason why their rage and anger should be so, | |||||||||||||
“Why then,” quoth Venus, “to thyself, thou art a mortal foe. | |||||||||||||
“There is a young man loves thee dear, and now is like to die, | |||||||||||||
Because for him thou dost not care; that is the reason why, | 10 | ||||||||||||
That thou art punished so sore, here in thy naked bed, | |||||||||||||
And if thou wilt not yield to love, we mean to kill thee dead.” | |||||||||||||
“Fair Queen,” quoth I, “grant me this boon I may so happy be, | |||||||||||||
For to present him to my view that I the man may see: | |||||||||||||
And if that I can fancy him, there is no more to do, | 15 | ||||||||||||
But I will yield to be his love, and kiss and hug him too.” | |||||||||||||
With that the flames all quenched was, and all the coasts was clear, | |||||||||||||
And then a proper handsome youth did in my sight appear; | |||||||||||||
Like young Adonis in his prime this gallant seem’d to be, | |||||||||||||
Of courage bold, and valour brave, and fortitude, was he. | 20 | ||||||||||||
PART TWO His face like an Angel’s was, his eyes like stars did shine, | |||||||||||||
In every part from top to toe, he seemed a Saint divine, | |||||||||||||
His sweet perfumèd honied breath did bear so rare a smell, | |||||||||||||
The richest odours in the world for scent it did excel. | |||||||||||||
With courtly words and compliments he did me kindly greet, | 25 | ||||||||||||
Crossing my lips ten thousand times with kisses soft and sweet; | |||||||||||||
In his right hand a purse of gold he had, and did me give, | |||||||||||||
And told me I should never want such Coin whilest I did live. | |||||||||||||
It ravished my senses all, and set my heart on fire, | |||||||||||||
His countenance for to behold it made me to admire! | 30 | ||||||||||||
So that I much desired then to have his company, | |||||||||||||
His comely person to embrace as I in bed did lie. | |||||||||||||
His hose and doublet he stript off, and came into my bed, | |||||||||||||
Saying that he must master be, and have my maidenhead; | |||||||||||||
Good lack! how willing then was I his love to entertain: | 35 | ||||||||||||
The thought of action moved me in every limb and vein. | |||||||||||||
When all my vitals thus were rais’d, and ready for the sport, | |||||||||||||
Cupid and Venus stole away and so broke up the sport. | |||||||||||||
Even so departed all the Nymphs, and straight upon the same | |||||||||||||
I wak’d and wept, because I saw all things was but a dream. | 40 | ||||||||||||
Fie upon dreams, and fond delights, which thus disturbs the mind! | |||||||||||||
’Tis better far to be awak’d, and exercise by kind. | |||||||||||||
When as I dream’d, I had a love, and gold, and pleasure store; | |||||||||||||
But when I wak’d, I saw none such, which makes me grieve the more. | |||||||||||||