T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
“The Bonny Grey Eyed Morn Began to Peep”
By Jeremiah Clarke (1669?–1707)(A Broadside Song with music; c. 1698) THE BONNY grey-Eyed Morn began to peep, | |
When Jockey roused with Love came blithely on; | |
And I who wishing lay deprived of sleep, | |
Abhorred the lazy Hours that slow did run: | |
But muckle were my joys when in my view, | 5 |
I from my Window spied my only dear; | |
I took the Wings of Love and to him Flew, | |
For I had fancied all my Heaven was there. | |
Upon my Bosom Jockey laid his head, | |
And sighing told me pretty Tales of Love; | 10 |
My yielding Heart at ev’ry word he said, | |
Did flutter up and down and strangely move: | |
He sighed, Kissed my Hand, [he] vowed and swore, | |
That I had o’er his Heart a Conquest gained; | |
Then Blushing begged that I would grant him more, | 15 |
Which he, alas! too soon, too soon obtained! | |