T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
“Says Dicky to Dolly, I Love Thee So Well”
Anonymous(From The Virgin Sacrifice; (c. 1720); set by Mr. Turner) |
SAYS Dicky to Dolly, I love thee so well, | |
That I’ll teach thee more wit than to lead Apes in Hell, | |
Then Honey, quoth he, | |
If mine thou wilt be, | |
No longer deny me, | 5 |
But come and sit by me; | |
My Lambs and my Kids, my Cattle and Kine, | |
My Pigs and my Sow, and my all shall be thine. | |
What tho’ I can’t keep thee a Coach and a Chaise, | |
Nor dress thee in Silk, but plain Russet and Frieze, | 10 |
I’ll give thee the Joys, | |
Of Sweet Girls and Boys; | |
Let Knights, Lords and Ladies, | |
Boast their half gotten Babies, | |
Not puny young Squire, nor Miss in her Pride, | 15 |
Can match the Stout Bantlings by a Country fire Side. | |
Tho’ waked with the Lark, I cant lie till Noon, | |
By my Puggy’s dear Side like ye drones of the Town, | |
Ne’er fear my sweet Joy, | |
The Jolly brisk Boy, | 20 |
When merrily Jogging, | |
Home to the Brown Noggin, | |
Thou from milking the cows, and I from the Plough, | |
We’el laugh and we’el frolic, upon the Hay-Mow. | |
Thus heartily wooed, by her Dicky so stout, | 25 |
The melting poor Thing, could no longer hold out, | |
But tickled and pleased | |
Her fancy so raised, | |
She heaved, and She panted | |
For Something She wanted; | 30 |
Whilst to hear her dear Dick such a brisk Lad of Mettle, | |
She Simpered and smil’d like a Furmity Kettle. | |