T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
Sapphic Ode LIX: “Night fell: Selene proud and pale”
By Michael Field (Katherine Harris Bradley) (1846–1914)(From Long Ago, 1889) NIGHT fell: Selene proud and pale | |
Rose and put on her archèd veil, | |
And lifting to her brow the crescent small, | |
The firm, young curve she deigns to wear, | |
Went forth into the silent air, | 5 |
And noiseless brought her white team from the stall. | |
Cold was her figure, and her breast | |
Secure and hard; her eyes confessed | |
No yearning; she was whole from love, and strong | |
With undivided mind. Thus she | 10 |
In her complete virginity | |
Austerely brilliant urged her steeds along; | |
Until she came where Latmos sent | |
Its rocks into her path; she bent | |
To see how she should guide the wheels aright, | 15 |
When, just where gentler darkness made | |
A cave apparent by its shade, | |
The loveliest mortal form grew on her sight. | |
She dropt the reins, the horses reared | |
In tumult as the hand that steered | 20 |
That course grew impotent—a moment’s change! | |
As her intact and tranquil life | |
Was devastated by a strife | |
She could not master, tyrannous and strange. | |
Fear fell upon her, and the wild | 25 |
Revolt of chastity beguiled, | |
Of pureness grown a passion against fate; | |
Yet an inevitable joy, | |
As her slant chariot toward the boy | |
Rolled down, o’ercame her fierce recoil and hate. | 30 |
He had flung by his shepherd’s dress, | |
And in the grace of weariness | |
Lay simple, calm, and happy, unaware | |
The flashing beauty of his form | |
Was filling the soft clouds with storm, | 35 |
And tempting Thia’s stately child to bare | |
Her face and worship. Oh, she drooped | |
Her long wings round her, as she stooped | |
Close to his cheek, his eyes, his very breath! | |
But ere, in that profound eclipse, | 40 |
She brake the fountain of her lips | |
O’er her beloved, in swoon as deep as death | |
She laid him; then securely spent | |
Her virgin frenzy innocent, | |
Then took her maiden pleasure unespied; | 45 |
And, sealing the dark cavern where | |
He lay asleep, resumed her care, | |
With steady hand her steeds through heaven to guide. | |
But nightly form Meander’s stream | |
Southward she turns her snowy team | 50 |
Behind the further slope of Latmos’ height, | |
Pierces unseen a mountain-rift, | |
Then climbs the air, effulgent, swift, | |
And fills the lovely river-bed with light. | |