T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
Love’s Power
Roxburghe Ballads(Anonymous; from Vol. VII. 1893) TWO lovers by chance they did meet, possessed with a mutual flame, | |
And now you shall hear how they greet, for I will declare the same: | |
Quoth he, “Thou hast sparks in thine eyes, that do kindle in me such a fire, | |
I comforts shall clearly despise, if you do not grant me my desire.” | |
“O Sir,” quoth this pretty young maid. “Let me know what ’tis you would have? | 5 |
For you need not at all be afraid, I will grant what in reason you crave: | |
For I ne’er in my life would deny, what a man did in justice require; | |
But you and I soon shall comply, and I’ll warrant I’ll quench thy love’s fire.” | |
With that he began to draw nearer, and gave her an amorous kiss: | |
He said, he loved dearer and dearer, and longed to taste of the bliss: | 10 |
Quoth he, “’Tis the Babes in thine eyes, that set my poor heart all on fire, | |
Then do not thy lover despise, but grant me my wish and desire.” | |
“If thou art so earnest to dally, come make use of time while you may, | |
Thy skill I will not undervalue, then prithee, Love, let’s to the play: | |
Methinks thou art somewhat too tedious, ’tis time that we should have been nigher, | 15 |
To linger it seems to be grievous, I’ll warrant I’ll quench thy love’s fire.” | |
The young man supposing her greedy, fell eagerly unto the sport, | |
He found she was wanting and needy, and needless it was for to court. | |
But as they were hugging together, she cried, “O, come nigher and nigher.” His heart was as light as a feather, and he had both his wish and desire. | |
The Damsel was mightily pleased, and kissed him a thousand times o’er, | 20 |
Quoth she, “Now my sorrows are eased, but I must have a little touch more: | |
O lie down a while for to rest thee, that I may enjoy my desire, | |
I hope that the fates they will bless thee; I quench, but thou kindlest my fire.” | |
No longer he stood there delaying, but stoutly he fell to it again, | |
Where he gave a prod at their playing, the damsel returned him ten: | 25 |
For she grew more eager and eager, her eyes they did sparkle like fire, | |
Quoth he, “I do own I’m the weaker, but still I enjoy my desire.” | |
Quoth she, “Now how should I be served, if thou should’st have got me with child? | |
But ’tis no more than I deserved, for I was a little too wild; | |
I thought long till I did begin it, and burnt with a fervent desire: | 30 |
What pleasure I felt in one minute, adds fuel to amorous fire.” | |
The young man began for to tire, and his cudgels began to lay down, | |
Which made the young damsel admire, and straight she began for to frown: | |
Quoth he, “I have done what is fit, no reason can more require;” | |
But her brows upon him then she knit, and she still did want her desire. | 35 |
Then young men provide and be lusty, when you do come to be tried; | |
For maidens look sour and crusty, when their wants cannot be well supplied: | |
But ’twas an old Proverb I heard, though men burst with amorous ire, | |
That Damsels when once they come near, could quench their most vigorous fire. | |