T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From “The Songs of Bilitis”CXXVI. Advice to a Lover
By Pierre Louÿs (1870–1925)(1894. Translated from the French by Horace Manchester Brown. 1904) IF thou wouldst be loved by a woman, O young friend, whoever she may be, tell her not that thou wouldst have her, but let her see thee every day; then disappear, to return. | 1 |
If she addresses her speech to thee, be amorous without eagerness. She will come of herself to thee. But thou must take her by force, the day when she intends to give herself to thee. | 2 |
When thou receivest her in thy bed, neglect thine own pleasure. The hands of an amorous woman are trembling and without caresses. Forgive them their lack of zeal. | 3 |
But as for thee, take no repose. Prolong thy kisses till thou losest breath. Let her not sleep, even though she begs it of thee. Kiss always that part of her body to which she turns her eyes. | 4 |