T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From the Poems
By Hafez (c. 1325–c. 1389)(Translated from the Persian by John Payne. 1901) 1. Whose dwelling, Lord, by yonder heart-Enkindling taper’s lit?LIII | |
Our soul’s afire! For God’s sake, ask Whose soul’s delight is it. | |
2. I wonder in whose arms she lies And who her housemates be, | |
She who the edifice o’erthrown Hath of my faith and wit! | |
3. Whose soul’s delight is yonder wine Of rubies of her lip? | 5 |
Unto whose cup for cupgiver Did Fortune her commit? | |
4. Each at her casteth spells of love; But to whose sorceries | |
Her dainty heart inclining is, None knoweth anywhit. | |
5. O Lord, yon queenlike mooncheeked maid, Yon Venus-fronted fair, | |
Whose peerless pearl is she, whose gem Past value exquisite? | 10 |
6. That fair whose ruby wine, undrunk, Hath made me drunk and mad, | |
For whom doth she the goblet fill? In whose assembly sit? | |
7. Ask ye, ’fore God, to whom the bliss Of the companionship | |
Of yonder candle of delight Hath Destiny forewrit? | |
8. “Alack, for Hafiz’ heart distraught,” Quoth I, “withouten thee!” | 15 |
She answered, with a covert smile, “For whom distraught is it?” | |
CXXXVI 1. “Thy mouth and thy lip,” I asked her, “Me blest when will they make?” | |
“Thy bidding in all,” she answered, “Shift to fulfil they make.” | |
2. “Thy lips for a kiss the tribute Of Egypt seek,” said I. | |
Quoth she, “At that rate who purchase, No bargain ill they make.” | 20 |
3. “To the point of thy mouth who findeth The way?” quoth I; and she, | |
“That known to the subtlety-kenners, Not those lack-skill, They make.” | |
4. Quoth I, “Be no server of idols; Abide thou with God,” and she, | |
“Their wont this and that in Love’s quarter, The good and the ill, they make.” | |
5. Quoth I, “Lo, the air of the winehouse Doth grief from the heart away;” | 25 |
And she, “Happy folk, if one bosom With gladness to thrill they make!” | |
6. Quoth I, “Wine and patchcoat the canon Allows not”; and she, “In the sect | |
“Of the Magians, of one and the other Their habitude still they make.” | |
7. Quoth I, “From the sweet-lipped ones’ ruby What profit the old?” And she, | |
“The old young again with the sugar Their kisses distil they make.” | 30 |
8. Quoth I, “To the nuptial chamber When cometh the lord?” And she, | |
“’Twill not be, the Moon in conjunction With Jupiter till They make.” | |
CCCCV 1. This my love for thee, my fair one, On what wise shall I assain? | |
Yea, how long shall I of sorrow For thy sake all night complain? | |
2. Long ago past hope of healing Is my frenzied heart become: | 35 |
Peradventure, of thy tress-tip I may fashion it a chain. | |
3. Scope where shall I find and leisure, So the full perplexity, | |
Which I suffer for thy tress-tip, Once for all I may explain? | |
4. What I suffered in the season Of estrangement from thy sight, | |
’Twere impossible one letter Should the whole of it contain. | 40 |
5. On my soul to look whenever I’m desirous, in mine eye | |
Still to conjure up the image Of thy lovely cheek I’m fain. | |
6. If I knew that thine enjoyment Should thereby to me betide, | |
Heart and faith would I surrender, Ay, and count the loss a gain. | |
7. Get thee gone from us, o preacher; Leave this idle prate of thine: | 45 |
None am I who unto leasing Ear will any longer deign. | |
8. Of deliverance from lewdness, Hope, o Hafiz, is there none: | |
Since ’twas thus of Fate foreordered, Care and counsel are in vain. | |
CCCCXIV 1. Enamoured am I of a fair one, A youngling new a-blow; | |
I’ve sought it with prayer from heaven, The gladness of this woe. | 50 |
2. Whoremonger, amorist, toper, I tell thee outright, I am; | |
So thou, that with all these merits Endowed I am, mayst know. | |
3. Now shame of my sin-soiled cassock Is over me come, whereon | |
I, patch upon patch, devices An hundred still did sew. | |
4. Yes, well mayst thou burn, o candle, In passion for her! For see, | 55 |
Upstanding in that same business, Loin-girt, am I e’enso. | |
5. The profit of my endeavour, In this my bewilderment, | |
I’ve lost: as in heart and spirit I dwindle, in grief I grow. | |
6. So haply that new-blown charmer May me to her bosom draw, | |
To the tavern, with robe (like Hafiz) All open in front I go. 1 | 60 |
DXXXIV 1. Since in Irác Suléima made her station, | |
I long for her with longing past relation. | |
2. Hark ye, O leader of the Loved One’s camels, | |
After thy charge I yearn without cessation. | |
3. For lack of the Friend’s sight my heart a-bleed is: | 65 |
Oh out upon the days of separation! | |
4. Cast reason to the Zindehroud 2 and tipple | |
Wine to the young Irakis’ acclamation. | |
5. Mistrel sweet-voiced, sweet-spoken, come; in Persian | |
Verse, chant thou to Iraki modulation. | 70 |
6. The ghittern’s sound And cupbearer’s hand-clapping | |
Bring back lost youth to my rememoration. | |
7. Give me the wine-dregs, so that, drunk and blithesome, | |
I of life’s dregs to friends may make oblation. | |
8. Come, give me, cupbearer, the heavy pottle, | 75 |
God fill to thee the goblet of salvation! | |
9. A moment with well-willers be accordant: | |
Come, profit by the days of jubilation. | |
10. Life’s Springtide in thy pasturage abideth; | |
God keep the days of union from mutation! | 80 |
11. The time of union passed and we unheeding; | |
And now I’m in the throes of separation. | |
12. A wonder-goodly bride thou art, vine-daughter! | |
But whiles thou meritest repudiation. | |
13. Save a Messiah, free from worldly fetters, | 85 |
None with the sun may have association. | |
14. Eld me forbiddeth from enjoying virgins, | |
Save in the way of clips and osculation. | |
15. Scorn not my tears for lack of you: how many | |
A sea is made by rillets’ aggregation! | 90 |
16. Since union with friends Is not our portion, | |
Cleave, Hafiz, to the mode of lamentation. | |
DXLII 1. A city 3 full of lovelings; On every side a fair! | |
Friends, if ye would be doing, The call to love is there. | |
2. The world’s eye never looked on A fresher maid than this: | 95 |
Nor ever goodlier quarry Fell into any’s snare. | |
3. Who ever saw a body, Like hers, of very soul? | |
Ne’er be her skirt polluted By dust of earthly care! | |
4. Why driv’st thou from thy presence A broken one like me? | |
A kiss or an embracement’s The utmost of my prayer. | 100 |
5. Pure is the wine and goodly The season: quick, enjoy | |
The time; for who to reckon On next year’s Spring can dare? | |
6. See, in the garden topers Are; rose and tulip like, | |
Each in his hand a goblet, To a friend’s health, doth bear. | |
7. Love’s knot how shall I loosen? This mystery how solve? | 105 |
A pain ’tis and a sore one; Ay, and a hard affair. | |
8. Bond to some wanton’s tresses Each heir of Hafiz is: | |
In such a land untroubled Uneath it is to fare. |
Note 1. The robe open in front is the sign of the debauchee and the frenzied lover. [back] |
Note 2. The River of Ispahan. [back] |
Note 3. Shiraz. [back] |