T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From “Leto’s Child”
By Maurice Hewlett (1861–1923)(From Artemision, 1909) THERE between the trees* * * * * | |
The prying Fauns and Woodmen dark | |
And prick-ear’d Satyrs her did mark, | |
How all abandon’d to her mood | |
Of careless lovely lassitude— | 5 |
So ripe, so melting, like a rose | |
That dewy-hearted throbs and blows | |
Languorous in the wind’s caresses— | |
She lay becurtained in loose tresses, | |
Not seeing what her half-dropt zone | 10 |
Let of her bosom’s bower be shown, | |
Or that soft thing abeating there, | |
Ungirdled treasure, warm and bare. | |
And as they peept and spied upon | |
The goodly sight she made, came One | 15 |
Adventurous, whom the Woodfolk dreaded, | |
Great Pan the goat-foot, horny-headed, | |
And saw her, and began to woo her | |
With his fierce music to undo her, | |
And make her former shames go pale | 20 |
Beside her latter. Here’s no tale | |
For me who walk in Hymnia’s beam, | |
Under her moon-wove eyes adream, | |
To tell you how Pan workt his will, | |
Or how she fended, with what skill | 25 |
Garner’d within that sweeter nest | |
When she had laid on her Mate’s breast, | |
And one the other comforted. | |
Little enough that serv’d her stead | |
This turn! Callisto was too tender | 30 |
For the chill part: she must surrender. | |
Like white dawns hung in golden mist | |
That soon repent their wintry tryst | |
And go aweeping, she too soon | |
Gave him his hire, her body’s boon; | 35 |
And, all the kinder for late frost, | |
Was painful that he nothing lost | |
By tardy chaffering. So he brought her | |
To his tree-haunts, and lightly taught her | |
All of love’s mystery; and this maid | 40 |
For love’s sake thought that well betray’d | |
Which had been life, had she but known it | |
As afterwards she had to own it. | |
Ah, passion of the love-denied | |
That ventures all for’t far and wide, | 45 |
That lacking sweet love falls to foul, | |
And feeds the flesh and starves the soul! | |
Her woe was working in her womb | |
Where that seed lay that was her doom: | |
Gotten by Pan, by Pan let lie | 50 |
While he to other game gave eye, | |
Forgetful of what he had wrought | |
In the green forest when he taught | |
Callisto love, and found her apt. * * * * * | |