T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From Elegies: Book II. Elegia X.
By Ovid (43 B.C.–18 A.D.)(Translated by Christopher Marlowe) Ad Græcinum quod eodem tempore duas amet. GRÆCINUS (well I wot) thou told’st me once, | |
I could not be in love with two at once; | |
By thee deceived, by thee surprised am I, | |
For now I love two women equally: | |
Both are well favoured, both rich in array, | 5 |
Which is the loveliest it is hard to say: | |
This seems the fairest, so doth that to me; | |
And this doth please me most, and so doth she; | |
Even as a boat tossed by contràry wind, | |
So with this love and that wavers my mind. | 10 |
Venus, why doublest thou my endless smart? | |
Was not one wench enough to grieve my heart? | |
Why add’st thou stars to heaven, leaves to green woods, | |
And to the deep vast sea fresh water-floods? | |
Yet this is better far than lie alone: | 15 |
Let such as be mine enemies have none; | |
Yea, let my foes sleep in an empty bed, | |
And in the midst their bodies largely spread: | |
But may soft love rouse up my drowsy eyes, | |
And from my mistress’ bosom let me rise! | 20 |
Let one wench cloy me with sweet love’s delight, | |
If one can do’t, if not, two every night. | |
Though I am slender, I have store of pith, | |
Nor want I strength, but weight, to press her with: | |
Pleasure adds fuel to my lustful fire, | 25 |
I pay them home with that they most desire: | |
Oft have I spent the night in wantonness, | |
And in the morn been lively ne’ertheless, | |
He’s happy whom Love’s mutual skirmish slays; | |
And to the gods for that death Ovid prays. | 30 |
Let soldiers chase their enemies amain, | |
And with their blood eternal honour gain, | |
Let merchants seek wealth and with perjured lips, | |
Being wrecked, carouse the sea tired by their ships; | |
But when I die, would I might droop with doing, | 35 |
And in the midst thereof, set my soul going, | |
That at my funerals some may weeping cry, | |
“Even as he led his life, so did he die.” | |