T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
“Come Phillis, Let’s Play”
Anonymous(From Bristol Drollery, c. 1674) COME Phillis, let’s play, | |
What though it be day, | |
There’s something we have yet to do, | |
Shall make thee confess | |
There’s no end to our bliss, | 5 |
But ever our pleasures renew. | |
Thou hast so much treasure | |
Exceeding all measure, | |
And here I’ve been so long a stranger, | |
On this Snowy white hill | 10 |
I shall ne’er have my fill, | |
But o’er it cou’d still be a ranger. | |
Oh, here’s such a Waste | |
A smock that is lac’d. | |
And a Bosom much whiter is seen; | 15 |
Below which there lies | |
Such delicate Thighs, | |
And that shall be nameless between. | |
But above all a Face, | |
And a Head in a Lace | 20 |
O’er which such a glory does shine; | |
That in pleasure I swim | |
On a bright Cherubim, | |
For my Phillis is sure as divine. | |
E’re all thy sweets be enjoy’d, | 25 |
Or I shall be cloy’d, | |
An age will be past, and time shall away; | |
Whil’st our Play does go on | |
With the rise of each Sun, | |
And night shall begin but the sports of the Day. | 30 |