T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
Cloe’s Precaution
Anonymous(From Windsor Medley, 1731) FORGIVE me, Venus, if I tell, | |
What on thy sacred Eve befel; | |
When happy, if forbid to boast, | |
Much of the Happiness is lost. | |
Cloe, a Nymph of matchless Mien, | 5 |
Who long the reigning Toast had been, | |
Of all the Wits, and Rakes, and Smarts, | |
That prowl, to prey on Virgin’s Hearts; | |
Yet ever to her Honour true, | |
Unless—what’s that?—with one or two. | 10 |
One night as we together sat, | |
Passing the smiling Hours in chat, | |
We took a Glass—’twas pretty late. | |
The Nymph relaxed, her Eyes confessed, | |
Her Virtue scarce would stand the test. | 15 |
Love, Wine, or both, had filled her Head, | |
The Spies were sent away to bed; | |
Spight of her Pride, the engaging she, | |
Avowed a Passion—and for me. | |
Then let’s to bed—you shan’t,—I will; | 20 |
Don’t offer’t, for I vow I’ll squeal. | |
Child, if you do, ’twill be all one. | |
Nay, then—but keep your Breeches on; | |
Agreed,—’twas done as soon as said, | |
I in my Breeches—went to bed. | 25 |