T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
“As Jockey and Jenny Together Was Laid”
Anonymous(A Broadside Song with music, c. 1720) AS Jockey and Jenny together was laid, | |
Jockey was happy, no less seemed the Maid, | |
She often did Sigh, and cried, Jockey with thee | |
My life tho’ in Bondage would seem to be free. | |
Jockey for Jenny who often did Burn, | 5 |
Did Sigh to her Sighs and kind Language return, | |
There’s no Pair so happy so much of one Mind, | |
As Jockey to Jenny to Jenny inclined. | |
Content with each other in humble retreat, | |
They court not new Beauties, nor envy the great; | 10 |
He’ll not quit his Nymph, nor the Nymph quit her swain, | |
For Pleasures yet thought of, or Riches to gain. | |
Come all you gay Courtiers who greatness admire, | |
And shine in gilt Coaches with pompous attire, | |
Regard the true pleasure this couple enjoys, | 15 |
For Jockey to Jenny to Jenny ne’er cloys. | |
While you quit your Silvia for Cloe’s bright eyes, | |
Amynta pursue, you fair Cloe despise, | |
When one Nymph’s undone you another undo, | |
And rambling the Fair does the same thing by you, | 20 |
Till Nature grows weary, decrepit, and poor, | |
Not aged, but quite has exhausted her store, | |
’Tis Jockey and Jenny the true taste, | |
Be constant like us and your pleasures will last. | |