T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
An Imitation of Chaucer
By Alexander Pope (1688–1744)WOMEN ben full of ragerie, | |
Yet swinken not sans secresie. | |
Thilke Moral shall ye understond, | |
From schoole-boy’s Tale of fayre Irelond; | |
Which to the Fennes hath him betake, | 5 |
To filche the grey Ducke fro the Lake. | |
Right then there passen by the way | |
His Aunt, and eke her Daughters tway. | |
Ducke in his trowses hath he hent, | |
Not to be spied of ladies gent. | 10 |
But ho! our Nephew, crieth one; | |
Ho! quoth another, Cozen John; | |
And stoppen, and lough, and callen out— | |
This sely Clerke full low doth lout: | |
They asken that, and talken this, | 15 |
Lo, here is Coz, and here is Miss. | |
But, as he glozeth with speeches soote, | |
The Ducke sore tickleth his Erse-roote: | |
Fore-piece and buttons all-to-brest, | |
Forth thrust a white neck and red crest, | 20 |
Te-hee, cried ladies; clerks nought spake; | |
Miss stared, and grey Ducke crieth Quaake. | |
O Moder, Moder! quoth the Daughter, | |
Be thilke same thing Maids longen a’ter? | |
Bette is to pine on coals and chalke, | 25 |
Then trust on Mon whose yerde can talke. | |