T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
A Song from “Gildon’s Chorus Poetarum”
By Aphra Behn (1640–1689)THE GODS are not more blest than he, | |
Who fixing his glad eyes on thee, | |
With thy bright rays his senses cheers, | |
And drinks with ever thirsty ears, | |
The charming music of thy tongue | 5 |
Does ever hear and ever long, | |
That sees with more than humane grace | |
Sweet smiles adorn thy angel face. | |
So when with kinder beams you shine, | |
And so appear much more divine, | 10 |
My feebled sense and dazzled sight | |
No more support the glorious light, | |
And the fierce torrent of delight. | |
O then I feel my life decay, | |
My ravish’d soul then flies away; | 15 |
Then faintness does my limbs surprise, | |
And darkness swims before my eyes. | |
Then my tongue fails, and from my brow | |
The liquid drops in silence flow; | |
Then wand’ring fires run thro my blood, | 20 |
Then cold binds up the languid flood; | |
All pale and breathless then I lie, | |
I sigh, I tremble, and I die. | |