T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
A Creature for Feature
Percy’s Folio Manuscript(Anonymous, c. 1620–50) A CREATURE, for feature I never saw a fairer, | |
So witty, so pretty, I never knew a rarer; | |
She so kind, and I so blind, | |
That I may say another day | |
“I did complain, and I met a swain, | 5 |
But [he] knew not how to woo me nor do me, | |
He was so dull conceited. | |
I gave a smile him to beguile, | |
I made a show to make him know, | |
I pincht his cheek to make him seek | 10 |
And find some further pleasure, whose treasure | |
needs not to be Expected. | |
“I staid him, and prayed him, and proffered him a favour; | |
He kist me, and wisht me to bear with his behavior; | |
But hie tro lolly lolly, le silly willy could not doe. | 15 |
All content with him was spent | |
When he had clipt and kist me, and mist me, | |
And could not … kiss … [line cut off] | |
Then thought I, and thought no lie, | |
Perhaps his pipe is not yet ripe; | 20 |
Yet an hour may have the power | |
To make it grow in full length and full strength; | |
But fools are led in blindness. | |
“But woe me, and woe me! alas, I could not raise! | |
It would not, nor could not, doe all I could to please. | 25 |
His ink was run, his pen was done. | |
Jack! art thou dead? hold up thy head! | |
I will litter thee and water thee, | |
And feed thee with my neet, | |
And better, if thou wilt lie beside me. | 30 |
But all in vain I did complain, | |
His Jack was tired, he’d not be hired | |
For all my prayers and all my tears.” | |