Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
By Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719–1803)W
At curfew, in the field:
We talked of heaven and Jesus Christ,
And all devoutly kneeled;
The starlit sky unclose,
And heard the far-high thunders roll
Like seas where storm-wind blows.
As still as stones for dread,
And heard the war proclaimed above,
And sins of nations read.
That holy Christians sing;
And by and by the noise was ceased
Of all the angelic ring;
We saw the sheet of fire;
There came a voice, as from a throne,
To all the heavenly choir,
I will that these prevail;
To me the poor man’s cause is dear.”
Then slowly sank a scale.
One shell did weighty seem;
But sceptres, scutcheons, mitres, gold,
Flew up, and kicked the beam.