Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
Voices of the Sea
By Thomas Durfee (1826–1901)O
When the day grows dimmer,
And the stars from the sky
Shed a tremulous glimmer,
While the low winds croon,
And the waves, as they glisten,
Complain to the moon,
I linger and listen.
Of shadow and splendor
Steals into my soul,
Majestic yet tender;
And the desolate main,
Like a sibyl intoning
Her mystical strain,
Keeps ceaselessly moaning.
All its myriad voices,—
Its wandering sound,
And my spirit rejoices;
For out of the deep
And the distance it crieth,
And, deep unto deep,
My spirit replieth.