Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Africa: Vol. XXIV. 1876–79.
To the Nile
By Bayard Taylor (1825–1878)M
Hast wandered, century on century,
Watering the length of green Egyptian lands,
Which were not, but for thee,—
Written ere yet thy hieroglyphs began,
When dawned upon thy fresh, untrampled shore
The earliest life of man?
Where the gray Past records its ancient speech;
But in thine unrevealing breast lies hid
What they refuse to teach.
Run blended, o’er the plains of History:
Thou tak’st no note of man; a thousand years
Are as a day to thee.
Or Memnon’s music on the Theban plain?
The carnage, when Cambyses made thy halls
Ruddy with royal slain?
For worship of thine own majestic flood;
For thee the incense burned,—for thee was spilt
The sacrificial blood.
Above thy palms, the pageantry and state,
Thy current flowed, calmly as now it flows,
Unchangeable as fate.
Whose being is his bounty: from the slime
Shaken from off thy skirts the nations live,
Through all the years of Time.
Thy grand indifference of Destiny,
My soul forgets its pain, and drinks the balm
Which thou dost proffer me.
No doubtful worship to thy shrine supreme;
But thus my homage as a chaplet fling,
To float upon thy stream!