Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland: Vols. XIV–XV. 1876–79.
The Winning of Cales
By Percy’s ReliquesL
Advancèd to conquer us,
Threatening our country
With fire and sword;
Often preparing
Their navy most sumptuous,
With all the provision
That Spain could afford.
Dub a-dub, dub,
Thus strike the drums,
Tan-ta-ra, ta-ra-ra,
The Englishman comes.
Went our lord admiral,
With knights courageous,
And captains full good;
The earl of Essex,
A prosperous general,
With him preparèd
To pass the salt flood.
Dub a-dub, etc.
Took they ships valiantly;
Braver ships never
Were seen under sail;
With their fair colours spread,
And streamers o’er their head;
Now, bragging Spaniards,
Take heed of your tail.
Dub a-dub, etc.
Came we most happily,
Where the kings navy
Did secretly ride;
Being upon their back,
Piercing their buts of sack,
Ere that the Spaniards
Our coming descry’d.
Tan-ta-ra, ta-ra-ra,
The Englishman comes;
Bounce a-bounce, bounce a-bounce,
Off went the guns.
Running and riding,
Which at that season
Was made at that place;
Then beacons were firèd,
As need was requirèd;
To hide their great treasure,
They had little space:
“Alas!” they cryèd,
“English men comes.”
How they were firèd fast,
And how the men drown’d
Themselves in the sea;
There you may hear them cry,
Wail and weep piteously;
When as they saw no shift
To escape thence away.
Dub a-dub, etc.
The pride of the Spaniards,
Was burnt to the bottom,
And sunk in the sea;
But the Saint Andrew,
And eke the Saint Matthew,
We took in fight manfully,
And brought them away.
Dub a-dub, etc.
Most valiant and hardy,
With horsemen and footmen
March’d towards the town;
The enemies which saw them,
Full greatly affrighted,
Did fly for their safeguard,
And durst not come down.
Dub a-dub, etc.
“Courage, my soldiers all!
Fight and be valiant,
And spoil you shall have;
And well rewarded all,
From the great to the small;
But look that the women
And children you save.”
Dub a-dub, etc.
Saw ’t was in vain to fight,
Hung up their flags of truce,
Yielding the town;
We march’d in presently,
Decking the walls on high
With our English colours,
Which purchas’d renown.
Dub a-dub, etc.
And of the richest men,
For gold and treasure
We searchèd each day;
In some places we did find
Pye baking in the oven,
Meat at the fire roasting,
And men run away.
Dub a-dub, etc.
Every shop we did see,
Damask and sattins
And velvet full fair;
Which soldiers measure out
By the length of their swords:
Of all commodities,
Each one hath share.
Dub a-dub, etc.
And our brave general
March’d to the market-place,
There he did stand;
There many prisoners
Of good account were took;
Many crav’d mercy,
And mercy they found.
Dub a-dub, etc.
Saw they delayèd time,
And would not ransom
The town as they said,
With their fair wainscots,
Their presses and bedsteads,
Their joint-stools and tables,
A fire we made:
And when the town burnt in a flame,
With tan-ta-ra, tan-ta-ra-ra,
From thence we came.