Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
France: Vols. IX–X. 1876–79.
The Triumphal Arch and Mausoleum at St. Rémy
By Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (1789–1849)Y
Erected to the glorious dead,
Through whose high arches sweeps the sigh
The night-winds heave when day has fled;
’Gainst yon blue firmament so pure;
Fair as they met admiring eyes,
Long ages past, they still endure.
Since first this mausoleum rose;
So many, that the name or birth
Of dead or founder no one knows.
Were by a skilful artist wrought;
But, Time! the secret rests with thee,
Which to unravel men have sought.
Whose memory love would here record?
Lift up the veil, so long o’erspread,
And tell whose dust yon fane doth guard.
And sought to give for aye to fame
Mementos of the good and brave,
Of whom thou hast effaced the name.
No more this stately tomb can tell:
Here come and read a lesson, Pride,
This monument can give so well.
As all of earth have ever done;
Were oft by wild ambition moved,
And basked, perchance, ’neath glory’s sun.
Undying names. Yet mark this fane;
For whom it rose, by whom designed,
Learned antiquaries search in vain.
Through the dim lapse of bygone age;
Triumph of art in days of yore,
Whose history fills the classic page.
’T was raised, though none their names can trace;
It stands as monument instead,
Unto each long-forgotten race,
Upon it in this lonely spot,
Their minds with pensive thoughts imbued,
That heroes could be thus forgot.
And the blue sky above it weeps;
The sun pours down its radiant dyes,
Though none can tell who ’neath it sleeps.
And still unchanged thou keep’st thy place;
While we, like shadows in a glass,
Soon glide away, and leave no trace.
Is nameless as the neighboring tomb:
Victor, and dead, the Fates decreed
Your memory to oblivion’s gloom.