Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
The Sycamores
By John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892)I
On the river’s winding shores,
Stand the Occidental plane-trees,
Stand the ancient sycamores.
And another half-way told,
Since the rustic Irish gleeman
Broke for them the virgin mould.
At his violin’s sound they grew,
Through the moonlit eves of summer,
Making Amphion’s fable true.
Pass in jerkin green along,
With thy eyes brimful of laughter,
And thy mouth as full of song.
With his fiddle and his pack;
Little dreamed the village Saxons
Of the myriads at his back.
Delved by day and sang by night,
With a hand that never wearied,
And a heart forever light,—
With a record grave and drear,
Like the rolic air of Cluny,
With the solemn march of Mear.
Merry-faced, with spade and fiddle,
Singing through the ancient town,
Only this, of poor Hugh Tallant,
Hath Tradition handed down.
But if yet his spirit walks,
’T is beneath the trees he planted,
And when Bob-o-Lincoln talks;
Linking still the river-shores,
With their shadows cast by sunset,
Stand Hugh Tallant’s sycamores!
Through the north-land riding came,
And the roofs were starred with banners,
And the steeples rang acclaim,—
Leaving smithy, mill, and farm,
Waved his rusted sword in welcome,
And shot off his old king’s arm,—
Down the thronged and shouting street;
Village girls as white as angels,
Scattering flowers around his feet.
Deepest fell, his rein he drew:
On his stately head, uncovered,
Cool and soft the west-wind blew.
Looking up and looking down
On the hills of Gold and Silver
Rimming round the little town,—
To the lap of greenest vales
Winding down from wooded headlands,
Willow-skirted, white with sails.
Slowly with his ungloved hand,
“I have seen no prospect fairer
In this goodly Eastern land.”
Stirred to life the cavalcade;
And that head, so bare and stately,
Vanished down the depths of shade.
All the pastoral lanes so grassy
Now are Traffic’s dusty streets;
From the village, grown a city,
Fast the rural grace retreats.
On the river’s winding shores,
Stand the Occidental plane-trees,
Stand Hugh Tallant’s sycamores.