Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Americas: Vol. XXX. 1876–79.
The Spirit Guide
By Augusta Larned (1835–1924)F
Where flames the weird auroral light,
And icebergs loom on every hand,
Enchanters of that lonely land,
The patient, dark-skinned Esquimaux
A little grave shapes in the snow.
The mourning mother bears her child,
In furry garments softly rolled,
Who ne’er again shall feel the cold,
And lays him on the icy breast
To take his last and final rest.
The father slays his fleetest hound,
A creature of unerring skill,
Of keenest scent and docile will,
To trace far haunts of seal and bear
That stock the little ice-hut there.
Low down beside his baby’s grave,
And says: “The little one will stray,
Through night and darkness far away;
His tender feet have never trod,
And cannot find the path to God.
Far out to realms of purest gold,
Where flowery meads and crystal streams
Are smiling in the sun’s glad beams,
Where rise abodes of joy and mirth
And feasting fills the happy earth.”
And leave their baby to the friend
Who for protection and defence
Has proved a gentle Providence,
Sure that the dog so true and wise
Will find the gates of Paradise.
And light your darlings through the gloom!
O simple faith that deems love’s care
Can be a joy and solace there;
Ye cling to each untutored soul,
And bind the tropics to the pole!